Bhil, notes on the life of a .
123 Bilâri, in Muradabad district, full of antiqui
ties............................................................ 319 Bilin, antiquities of, noted.........................382 f. birth customs among the Chins 223 :- among the Shåns .......
........ 117 blood used for divination 216; can restore to
life 343 :- drinking as an oath Bôdop'aya, king of Burma, son of Alompra... 290 Boi, a Chin chief....................................... 192 Bonthadevi, wife of Vikramaditya IV.......... 168 Bower Manuscript, description of 29 f., 349 ff.;
an instalment of 129 ff.:-comprises several treatises 129; subjects of, are medicine, divination and conjuration 129:- remarks on the chronology of the treatises 129f.; a note on the date of the 29 ff. ; was written between 350 and 500 A. D. 37; was probably written, later portions about 450 A.D., earlier, about 400 A.D. 37, 38:- remarks on the orthography of 130 f.: is not in the Sårade alphabet, but in the more ancient Gupta alphabet 32; is a North Indian MS. 30; is written throughout in the NorthWestern alphabet 31; clerical errors in the 350 f.: remarks on the language of 131; the grammar of 131 f., grammatical anomalies in 350 f.:-origin of the name ...... 29 " bor-headed" characters ........................ 93 Branginoco, the title explained ................. 386 bricks, glazed, see glazed bricks. Brito, Philip de, his doings.......................... 384 Briddba, usually called Bhagavat in the
Bharaut inscriptions 226; huge recumbent
image of, at Pegu ................................. 383 Buddhila, a Jain teacher ............................ 158 Buddhist canon and its subdivisions known
in first century B. C. 227 :- tradition in the Bower MS. 350:- priests, modern, of the Talaings, their habits 378 f.:-images,
ancient, described ................................. 378 building, prevention of, by miraculous means ..........
.............. 96 Burmese, Sanskpit words in ............94 4., 193 f.
Chalamartiganda, a biruda both of Rudra.
mbi and Prat&parudra .............................. 199 Châlukyas, Western ................................ 167, 168 Chandapannatti, the seventh undnaam of the Jains .............
.............. 20 Chandragiri, a hill at Sravaņa-Belgola; men
tioned by the ancient name of Katavapra. 158 Chandragupta, a son, according to the
Rojdvalkkathe, of Asoka's son Kunala, 157:- a disciple who is allotted by tradition to Bhadrabhu I., 156, 157;-his real name
was Guptigupta .............. ................ 159 charm against evils in general 350 ff.; against
snake bite 350 ff.; throwing & stone at &
pitcher makes it heavy .......................... 314 Chashtana, grandfather of Rudradaman,
204; date of, is circ. 135-145 A. D. ......... 205 chhedasútram, the first, described 180 f. ; the
second, described 181 ff. ; the third, described 210 f.; the fourth, described 211 ff.; the fifth, described 214; the sixth, de
scribed ..............................................214 f. chhedasutras of the Jains described 178 ff.;
are of considerable antiquity 179, 180; correspond to the Buddhist vinaya 179; contain rules of conduct for the clergy 179; traditions regarding the, quoted
379; commentaries on the ...................... 180 chief, installation of a, among the Karennis.. 318 chiefship among the Karennis is of a sacred character ..
.................. 317 f. Chin (see Banngshe, Chinbôn, Chinbök, HAkà,
Kadin, Kanhò, Kwônàn, Sagyilaing, Siyin, Sochaung, Tashôn, Tlangtlang, Wêlaung,
Yindu and Yokwà). Chinbôk Chins, border on the W@laune
Chins 215; geographical distribution of the 215; claim descent from the Baungshe
Chins 215; a note on their language ...... 190 Chinbôn Chins, geographical distribution
of the 215, border on the Yindu Chins 215;
claim Burmese descent ......................... 216 Chins, population estimated 192 f.:- human
proper names among the 223 :- limitation of the capacity of the, to denote time 191 - dress of the 216 ff. :- dwelling of the 220 :- agriculture of the 192, 219:- are keen sportemen 221:- polity of the, described 216; raids among the 221 f.; chiefship among the 192:- dialects of the, noted 216 ; petty dialects among the 123:-- the religion of the, noticed 191; are spirit worshippers 191, devoted spirit worshippers 216 - oaths among 923 :customary law of the 191 1., 216 and note :- birth customs 223; marriage customs 229 ; funeral ceremonies of the 191;
calumniated persons in folktales, wife ......374 ff. Cambodian rule in Burma, traces of............ 378 cannibalism among the Shâns....................... 120 caste, power of prejudices as to ............. 47 note cat, folklore of the, in Tibet ..................... 376 cattle; it is a sin, in Madras, to pass cattle
crossing a path ......................................... 278 caves in the Talaing country of Lower Bur. na ................
.........377 ff. Ceylon, see Singhalam. Chakkarakottam stormed by Kulottunga
Chộla as yuvardja ............ ............ 28