JULY, 1892.]
was Mahadeva(P);19 but his immediate predecessor was the daughter of Ganapati (pp. 132 and 136) by Soma.20 Her father Ganapati, 21 who appears to have been without male issue, bad called her his "son" and conferred on her the male name "Rudra” (p. 102). At his death she seems to have succeeded him on the throne. In the text of the drama she is always styled " the king" (rája) and once (p. 123) Maharaja-Rudra, 22 while the commentary (pp. 101 and 104) calls her Rudramba. At the command of the god Svayambha ('Siva) she adopted her daughter's son Prataparudra and appointed him as her successor,33 Thus the Pratáparudriya furnishes the following pedigree: -
1. Ganapati, md. Sômå.
2. Rudrâmba.
3. Pra tâparudra. The local records further suggest that No. 1. Ganapati is identical with No. 5. Ganapati of the pedigree derived from inscriptions (p. 197, above). Accordingly, Rudramba will be No. 6 and Prataparudra No. 7 in the list of the Kakatiya dynasty. The only event of Ganapati's reign, which is alluded to in the Pratdparudryu, is, that he founded a Saiva shrine called Ganapesvara (p. 143). Both Radrâmbâ (p. 101) and Pratipa rudra (p. 42) had the biruda Chalamartiganda. Prataparudra is reported to have conquered a large number of distant countries on his vijayayatrd or grand tour. Repeated mention is made of the defeat of the Yadava king of Savana. This king had crossed the Gautami (i.e. Godivari) river, north of which bis territory must accordingly have been situated, and was put to flight by the commander of an army of Pratû parudra.24 Among the kings of an early branch of the Yådavas, which was settled in the Nasik district, we find three times the name sêunachandra,25 The first Sêupachandra founded Saunapura at, i.e. transferred his capital to, Sindînagara or Sindinêra, the modern Sinnar in the Nasik district,20 Later on, the term Seunadesa was employed as the designation of the territories of the Yâda vas of Devagiri. For, in Hêmadri's account of the reign of Mahadeva (Saka 1182 to 1193), Dê vagiri is said to be included in the couutry called Sêuņa ; 27 and in the Paithan grant of Ramachandra (Saka 1193 to 1230), it is stated that the grented village belonged to the country of Séaņa and was situated on the northern bank of the Godavari.29 This country of Seana is evidently identical with the country of
10 This statement rests on the commentator's explanation of a verse (p. 91) which, in my opinion, rather refers to king Ganapati than to PratAparudra. The local records all Pratáparudra's father Virabhadra, 20 Page 102: - area ffer the
IT parerar [read (41) Art T a r 11 11 According to the local records, she was not the daughter, but the widow of Ganapati.
12 Thas the coins of queen Lilavats of Ceylon bear the legend erweil avval, and those of queen Earlya of Delhi bear the title pline load I u on page 104, Siva addresses the queen thus:
स्वीकृते पुत्रभावेन दौहित्रे प्रामाज्ञया । अस्मिविधेहि धौरेये गुर्वी मुधिरामिति ।। The commentator explains पाक् by जन्मकाले. ** Page 156 - 4 21Haccata af het
d ate gears एषा काकतिवीररुव इति किं नाभावि सप्ताक्षरी प्रयत्प्रातिपक्षपार्थिवमहाभूत महोच्चाटनी ।। Page 291-18 greate : Fera y ate qe fareu !
सद्यो रुवनरेन्द्रनायक चमूनाथेन केनाप्यधिक्षिप्तस्या चरितानि सेवणपतेजानाति सा गौतमी ।। 15 ante, Vol. XII. p. 128.
96 ibid. p. 124, and Vol. XVII. p. 118. Dr. Bhandarkar's Early History of the Dokkan, p. 87.
> ante, Vol. XIV. p. 315.