[FEBRUARY, 1887.
MISCELLANEA. CALCULATIONS OF HINDU DATES. February, which date represents, by both the No. 3.
southern and the northern system, the full-moon In the Wani grant of the Rashtrakata king tithi of the month Phålguna of the preceding Govinda III., from the Dindori Taluka of the year, Saka-Sathvat 728. Nasik District, the details of the date (ante,
No. 4. Vol. XI. p. 159, and Plate, l. 46 f.) are - Saka- Another inscription, that requires to be noticed npipa-kal-&tita-samvatsara-satêshu saptasu tritu- in connection with the preceding, is the Radhanpur sad-adhikeshu Vyaya-samvatsarê Vaisakha-rita- grant of the same king, from Gujarat. In this, paurnamast - sömagrahana - mahậparvani, -"in the details of the date (ante, Vol. VI. p. 68, and seven centuries of the years that have gone by
Plate, 1. 53f.) are -- Saka-npipa-kal-&tita-samvatfrom the time of the Saka king, increased by sara-satishu saptasu trimsad-uttarôshu Sarvajin. thirty; in the Vyaya sanatsara ; on the great
namni saúvatsarê Sråvana-bahula amavasyim consion of an eclipse of the moon on the full. saryagrahaņa parvasi,"in seven centuries of moon tithi of the bright fortnight of the month)
the years that have gone by from the time of the Vaisakha."
Sak, king, increased by thirty; in the 'sa hvatsara This gives us, for calcnlation, Saka-Samvat 730
named Sarvajit; on the occasion of an eclipse of (A.D. 808-9), the Vyaya sariwatsara, both cur
the sun on the new-moon tithi of the dark fort. rent; the full moon tithi of the month Vaisakha
night of the month) Srivana." (April-May); and an eclipse of the moon, which
This gives us, for calculation, Saka-Samvat 730
A.D. 808-9), the Sarvajit sasuvatsara, both of course took place on the fifteenth tithi,
current; the new-moon tithi of the month but the fourteenth, fifteenth, or sixteenth solar
Sravana (July-August); and an eolipse of the day, as the case may be, of the bright fort.
sun, which, of course, took place on the fifteenth night. And, as the contents of the inscription
tithi, but the fourteenth, fifteenth, or sixteenth connect it absolutely with the neighbourhood in
solar day, as the case may be, of the dark fortnight. which it was found, a locality within the limits
The inscription comes from a place which is within of Southern Indi.., all the details of the date the limits of Northern India. But the charter have, primi facie, to be treated in accordance recorded in it was issued from Mayarakhandi, with the Southern system.
which Dr. Bühler identified with the modern By tho Tables, however, Suka-Sathvat 730 Morkhanda, a hill-fort in the Nasik District. (A.D. 808-9) in Southern India was the Surva
And, among the places mentioned in defining dharin sasivatsart; the Vyaya sa watsura was the boundaries of the village that was granted, we Saka-Sainvat 728; and the intervening year, have Rasiyana, as the chief town of the bhukti, Saku-Barnvat 729, was the Sarvajit s atsara. and the river Sinha.. These, undoubtedly, are
Daking the calculation first for Saka-Samvat respectively the modern Rasin, in the Ahmad 28. the Vyuya samoutsara, the approximate nagar District, and the modern Bina, which result. by Gen. Cunninghau's and Mr. C. Patell's rises about fourteen miles west of Ahmadnagar, Talies, is Wednesday, the 8th April, A.D. 806. and flows into the Bhima about twenty miles On this day, however, there was no eclipse of south of Solapur. These details, therefore, conthe moon. There was such an eclipse on the nect the inscription itself absolutely, with Southern Bth March of that year. But this English date
India; and also prove a clear instance of the represents, by both the southern and the northern
travelling of a copper-plate charter which I have system, the fall moun tithi of the preceding Hindu noticed, as being always possible, at page 43 month, Chaitra
above, note 1. Next, for Suka-Samvat 730, the Sarvadharin We have seen above that the Sarvajit samunt. savivatsara, the result, in the same way, is Satur- sara was Saka-Samvat 729, and Saka-Saravat 730
lay, the 15th April, A.D. 808. But, for this was the Sarvadharin sa vatsara. year, no lunar eclipse is recorded at all, in Gen. Making the calculation first for Saka-Samvat Cunningham's Tables.
729, the Sarvajit sanatsara, the approximate And finally, for Saka-Sarovat 729, the Sarvajit result, by the southern system, by Gen. Cunsasvulsara, the result, in the same way, is Tucs. ningham's and Mr. C. Patell's Tables, is Sunday, day, the 27th April, A.D. 807. On this day, the 8th August, A.D. 807. On this day, however, however, there was no eclipse of the moon. And there was no eclipse of the sun. And the nearest the nearest lunar eclipse was that of the 26th solar eclipses are those of the 11th February, A D * Cunninghai's Indian Eras, p. 219.
! ante, Vol. VI. p. 64. • Read lahul-Am vasya-stiryagrahana.