(FEBRUARY, 1887.
" both in word and in deed !" said the old man only asked you to cut a couple of sticks and to himself.
be careful not to lose his knife." However, be liked the fellow; and, thinking "I see!" said the farmer. "While we that he would amuse his wife and daughter he were walking over the city, we did not see invited him to come and stay at his house, its anybody that we knew, and not a soul gave long as he had occasion to remain in the villnge us a scmp of anything to eat, till we were
"Thank you very much," the young man passing the cemetery; but there some people replied, "but let me first enquire, if you please called to tis and put into our hands some whether the beam of your house is strong." the spoilerind krdichas. So my companion called
The old farmer left him, in despair, and the city a cemetery, and the cemetery, a city." entered his house laughing.
* This, also), is to be understood, father, if "There is a man in yonder field," he said, one thinks of the city as the place where after returning their greetings. "He has como everything is to be obtained, and of inhospitthe greater part of the way with me, and I able people as worse than the dead. The city, wanteci him to put up here as long as he had though crowded with people, was as if dead, as to stay in this village. But the fellow is such fur as you were concerned; while in the cornea fool, that I cannot make anything out of tery, which is crowded with the dead, you him. He wants to know if the beam of this were saluted by kind friends and provided house is all right. The man must be mad." with bread." And saying this he burst into a fit of laughter. " True, true," said the astonished farmer.
"Father," said the farmer's daughter, who " Then just now, when we were crossing the was a very sharp and wise girl," this man, scream, he waded it without taking off his whosoever he is, is no fool, as you deem him. I shoes and prijamas." He only wishes to know if you can alford to "I adiaire his wisdom," replied the girl. entertain him."
"I have often thought how stupid people were "Oh, of course!" replied the farmer; "I see; to venture into that swiftly-flowing stream and Well, perhaps you can help me to solve some over these sharp stones with bare feet. The of his other mysteries. While we were walk. i slightest stumble, and they would fall, and be ing together, he asked whether he should carry wetted from head to foot. This friend of yours me, or I should carry him; as he thought is a most wise man. I should like to see him that would ben pleasanter mode of proceeding," and speak to him."
Most assuredly," said the girl. “He "Very well," said the farmer; "I will go meant that one of you should tell a story to and find him, and bring him in." beguile the time."
"Tell him, father, that our beams are strong "Oh, yes! well, we were passing through enougli, and then he will come in. I'll send on a corn-field; when he asked me whether it was altead a present to the man, to shew him that eaten or not."
we can afford to have him for our guest." "And didn't you know the meaning of this, Accordingly she called a servant and sent father? He simply wished to know if the him to the young man with a present of a man was in debt or not; because, if the owner basin of ghi, twelve chupátis, and a jar of milk, of the field was in debt, then the produce of and the following message :- O friend! the the field was as good as eaten to him ; that is, moon is full; twelve months make a year; and it would have to go to his creditors."
the son is overflowing with water.' Half-way. "Yes, yes, yes; of course! Then, on enter- the bearer of this present and message met his ing a certain village, he bade me take his little son, who, seeing what was in the basket, clasp-knife and get two horses with it, and begged his father to give him some of the food. bring back the knife again to him."
His father stupidly complied, and presently he "Are not two stout sticks as good as two saw the young man and gave him the rest of horses for helping one along on the road? He the present, and the message.
1 Viram kayf chheyih dar-"is (your) beam strong!" -ina Kaimiri saying, meaning. "Can you entertain me well ? can you make me comfortable?"---Running along
the uppor storey of a K Amirl house in a long, strong beam called nariko, upon which the whole roof depends.