Na review of some books dealing with Gipsies printed in the Indian Antiquary Vol. XVI. p. 35ff., reference was made to Prof. De Goeje's researches regarding the idéntification of the Gipsies with the Jatts of India. Not being an Arabic Scholar myself, I was unable to check the Professor's references to Arabic and Persian authorities. I however referred the matter to Maulaví 'Abdu'l Haï, Head Maulavi of the Calcutta Madrassa, who kindly gave the following extracts bearing on the subject, but who could not find a copy of the Muhit in Calcutta.
Bahram Jôr (Gôr), son of Yazdajird, on his way once met a number of men who were indulging in drinking without having any musicians among them. He said, "Did I not warn you not to neglect music"? They stood up and said, "We sent for musicians and wanted to pay them even more than 100 dirhams, but none could be found." He called for ink and paper, and wrote to the king of India for musicians. The king sent to him 12,000 musicians, who were sent by Bahrâm to the different parts of his kingdom. They left descendants, of whom some still remain, though few in number. They are called Az-Zutt. Hamza Isfahani, printed in Calcutta, 1866, at the Mazharu'l'Ajaib Press, pp. 47-48.
( القاموس ) الرة بالضم جيل من الهند معرب جت بالفتح والقياس النفي فتح معربه ايضا الواحد زعي
Az-Zutt with a zamma-an Indian tribe.
Arabicised from Jatt with a fatha. According to rule, it should be zaṭṭ with a fatha. Singular-Zutts. Al-Qám ús, printed in Calcutta, 1817, page 942.
(برهان قاطع)
لوری بمعنی بی حیا و بی شرم باشد و نام طائفة هم هست که ایشانرا کاولی میگویند و سرود گری و گداے کو چہا را هم گفت انه ـ لولی بر وزن ومعنے لوری است
Lori-Unblushing, shameless; name of a tribe called Kawali; musicians and beggars of the street. Lôlt-in sound and meaning the same as Lori. Burhan-i-Qați, printed in Calcutta, 1818, page 828.
شاہ نامہ)
خواندن بهرام اوریان را از بندوستان بنزدیک شنگل فرستاد کس چنین گفت كاي شاه فریادرس ازان لوريان برگزین ده زار نر و ماده بر زخم بربط سوار فرستی بر من مگر کام من بر آید ازان نامدار انجمن چر نامه بنزد یک شنگل رسید سر از فخر بر چرخ کیوان کشید آنگاه شنگل گزین کرد زود راوری کیا شاه فرموده بود
(Substance) Bahrâm Gôr sent a messenger to his father-in-law Shangul, an Indian king, requesting him to send him (Bahram) 10,000 Laris, or musicians, both male and female. Shangul complied with his request and sent him the number of musicians wanted. Shah Náma, Vol. III., printed in Calcutta, 1829, at
(حمزة الاسفهاني )
بهرام جور بن يزدجرد مر يوما بقوم يشربون .1585-86 .the Baptist Mission Press, pp | على غير ملهين فقال ليس قد نهيتكم عن الغفلة
من الملاهي فقاموا اليه السجود و قالوا قد طلبناء بزيادة على مائة درهم فلم نقدر عليه فدعا بالذرات
(كتاب معجم البلدان)
ولما كانت سنة ١٨٠ امر الرشيد ببناء مدينة عين | والمهري و كلب الى ملك الهند يستدعي منه ملمين ولما كانت سنة ١٨٠ امر الرشيد ببناء مدينة عين فانفذ اليه اثني عشر الف رجل منهم تفرقهم على زربي ثم لما كانت ايام المعتصم نقل اليها و الى بلدان مملكته. فتناسلوا بها واولادهم بالون وان نواحيها قوما من الزط الذين كانوا قد غلبوا علي قلوا وهم الزي البطابع بين واسط والبصرة