Avgust, 1887.)
on the part of the writer or the engraver the son of Yajñadhara, (1. 21), belonging to the of it.
Garga gótra (1. 20), with the three-fold praThe inscription commences with two verses vara of Garga, sainya, and Ângirasa, and in praise of the god sive, under the names of & religious student of the Vajasanêya sakhá. Vyômakeśn, or he who has the sky for his The special terms and privileges of the grant hair' (line 1), and Smaráráti, or the foe of the are recited in lines 22 to 24. Lines 25 to 27 god of Love' (1. 2.)
contain the customary order to the residents It then mentions the Paramabhattáraka, and officials, to be obedient to the grantee, Mahardjádhiraja, and Paramesvara Yakovar- and to render him his dues. Lines 27 to madova (1.4); and his successor, the Parama
40 contain an injunction to future kings, to bhattáraka, Mahárájádhirdju, and Paramésvara
continue the grant, followed by ten of the Jayavarmadova (1. 5). From the Piplill
customary benedictive and imprecatory verses, nagar' grant, published in the Jour. Beng. As. and an eleventh, introduced in a prose passage. Soc. Vol. V. p. 377 ff., we learn that Jaya- And the inscription ends with the words varman, -or Ajayavarman, as he is there called, "this is the sign-manual of the Mahakumara, if the published reading in verse 11 is correct, the illustrious Udayavarmadáva" (1. 40 f.), -was the son of Yaśôvarman; and that these referring probably to the representation of two kings belonged to the Paramara fa- Garuda that is engraved here ; followed by mily, and were descendants of Bhojadeva of the record that the Ditaka is the illustrious Dhara. It then mentions the Mahakumára Mandalika Kshêmvaraja (1. 41). Lakshmivarmadáva (1. 6), who had attained of the places mentioned in this charter, the the panchanahásabda ; and his successor, the village that was granted, Gunaüra, seems to Makákumára Udayavarmadova (1.8), the son be undoubtedly the modern Ganora' of the of Harikohandra, who also had attained the map. geven miles sonth-west of Hoshangabad panchamahásabda. By certain words in line 5, Narmadapura is, I should think, the ancient Udayavarman is referred to a time when the name of Hoshangabad; the only other posreign-or, more probably, part of the reign,- sibility seems to be that it is Narwar, about of Jayavarman had passed away. It then thirty-three miles almost due east of Bhopal ; proceeds to record that Udayavarman issues but this place is over thirty miles away from a command to all the residents, neighbours, the Narmada, and therefore could hardly be and officials at the village of Gunaúra (1.9) in suitably called Narmadapura. And the Guvethe Vodagirasatka Forty-eight (circle of vil. daghatta is possibly represented by the lages) (1.9) belonging to the Narmadapura modern village of Guaria,' on the left bank pratijagaranaka, in the Vindhya mandala, to of the Narmada, two miles to the west of the effect that, in Vikrama-Samvat 1256 (1. Hoshangabad. For Vodasirasatka, I cannot 11-12), having bathed in the river Reva, i.e. find any representative in the map. the Narmada, at the bathing-place called The fall details of the date, which is given Guvadaghatta (1. 13), having put on a white in both words and decimal figures (1. 11ff.) upper and lower garment, having done worship are Vikrama-Samvat 1256, perhaps mentioned to the gods, the sages, and mankind, and as an expired year; the month Vaisakha the god Siva under the name of the divine (April-May); the bright fortnight; the fifteenth; Bhavanipati (1. 14), having done sacrifice to solar day in the fortnight; the full-moon Fire or to the god Agni, having made an tithi; the Visakha nakshatra ; the Parigha offering to the sun, and having three times yoga ; and Ravidina, or Sunday. Having walked round and touched a tawny-coloured regard to the locality to which this grant cow (1. 15), for the increase of the religious belongs and to the fact that the capital, merit of his parents and of himself (1. 19), he Dhard, of the dynasty by a fendatory of which has granted the said village of Guņaüra (1.82), the grant was made, is well to the north of the in perpetuity to the Brahman Malusarman, Narmada, the year ought, prima facie, to be Jayavarmmaddva-rajyé vyatite.
ing 'a district.' • This territorial term, a derivative from pratija, Or perhaps MAlharman. to watch beside', requires proper explanation. Monier Indian Atlas, Sheet No. 53, S.E. Lat. 22° 41' N.; Williams gives it, in his Sanskrit Dictionary, as mean- Long. 77° 42' E.