heaven of the Aborigines of India ................ 129 Ratta of Saundatti and Belgaum ......... 14ff hippelephas of the Greeks is perhaps the
Sunga ..................... *** ..... ...... 138f wilgai................
............ 341 Vijayanagara dynasty ........................ 233ff Hiranyavati river, notes on the identification Kedna used in the sense of a linga ................ of the
.............. 320f Isanavarman, silver coins of Hirat, intrigues in, 117;--captured by the Ishmael, the Child of Promise-according to
Mongols ................ ........................... 118 the Muhammadans................................. 209 holy places of the Aborigines of India ......... 126Iydr-i-Danish, the, is not yet edited ............ 264 honey, ancient Greek and Hebrew notions
regarding, 308, 309;- from canes called sugar, Greek accounts of........................ 334f
Jagatai, campaigns of ............
8686 Honorius III., Pope, his dealings with the
Jahnaviya family, or lineage of the river Georgians............
................... 174
...................... 229 and n horse, ancient Greek notices of the wild ..... 285
Jain inscriptions .................... 8, 94, 1488, 2834 human sacrifices among the Aborigines of
Jains, early division of the, into Nirgranthas
and Svêtapatas .......................... 15 India
......................... 128, 129 .............. hunt, description of a Mongol ............ 169, 170
and Vaishnavas, & compact between hyænas, ancient Greek notices of ............... 281
the; edited (see also p. 292) ......... 233ff Hyparkhos, Hypobaros, river ; identified...... 310
Jaitugi I.(Yadavas of Dêvagiri); certain kings
overthrown by him................................ 314 identifications, geographical............310, 319, 320
Jallu'ddin Khwarizmi; his wars with the idols of the Aborigines of India................ 1268
Mongols, 82ff ;-defeats the Mongols under Hlchikadai, nephew of Chinghiz Khân ......... 118
Kutuku, 86f;-defeated on the Indus by Indarab, Andaráb; see Bâmiyan.................. 87
Chinghiz Khan, 871;-marries a daughter indigo, Greek notices of the Indian ............ 339
of the Chief of the Khokhars, 89;-his indikon melan of the Greeks is Indian indigo 339f
doings in Sindh ..................................... 90 Indra (Eastern Chalukya) reigned for seven
Jaţts of the Pasj&b, notes on the ............61, 62 days.....................................................50, 55
Jayadeva I. (Lichchhavi); his real date was infanticide among the Jatts ...................... 62
about A.D. 330 ......
***................. 3500 inscriptions, Cuneiform, of Western Asia
Jayadova II., Rdja (Thakuri family of Nêpål); noticed ................
.................... 262
his date was A.D. 751 (?)-759 ...344, 348, 350 inscription, Sabæan, on an incense-burner ... 97
Jayadôva, poet, author of the Gitagóvinda ; his inscriptions on copper; edited
date discussed and allotted to the early Chalukya, Eastern ......................... 48ff, 55ff
part of the twelfth century A.D., 183, Chalukya, Western ; spurious................ 3301
185n;-tradition says there were two poets Chalukya, Latest ............................... 140ff
of this name............
................ 183n Chôļa successors of the Eastern Chalu.
Jayaprakirnayasas, gold coin of ................. 95n kyas ......... .............. 48ff, 55ff
jhirki ki daldu, the 'swagger trick'............ 157 Dhará dynasty
............159ff JiArati pattald, an ancient division of the GAhadavala...
1. Etawah' District, including certain villages 102 Ganga, Eastern, of Kalinganagara ...... 10ff
Jishņugupta Thakuri family of Nepal); his Ganga, Western, of Maisar ; spurious... 229ff
date was A.D. 654 ...........................343, 350f Kadamba, Later, of Goa ....................288ff
jogavattige is a corruption of yoga-pattaka, a PAla of Bengal .............. ................ 162ff
| garment worn during contemplation' ...... 25n Rashtrakata of Gujarat .................... 1968 journeys, customs on ...... ................ 135n of Sivasimha
19011 juabi, explanation of the term .................. 86n Valabhi dynasty
.8278 Yadava of Dévagiri .................. 681, 314ff Kacha is the real name on the coins attributed inscriptions on earthenware; edited
to Ghatotkacha, 95f;-the name occurs Valabhi dynasty..........
.. .... 75
elsewhere only in an inscription in the inscriptions on stone; edited
Ajanta ca ves ....................................... 96 Chalukya, Western.........
Kadambas, Early; notes on their history 12ft, 15 Ganga, Western, of Maisar ................. 76 Kadambas, Later, of Goa, a genealogical in. of Haritiputra-Satakarni .....................381ff scription of the ............ .................. 2881 miscellaneous .......................8ff, 1411, 45ff Kailasakotabharana, the place of the Thakurf Népal rulers ........................................... 97 rulers of Népal .....................................3421 Pala of Bengal ................................ 139€ Kajjall Ban, the ............... ................ 209n
...... 1417