****....... 118
Kakka, Karka III., must be struck out from Khotaka, ancient name of the modern Kaira' the list of the Råshtrakatas of Gujaråt 1976 in Gujarat ..............................
.................. 198 Kakkalla, a king overthrown by Singhana Khokhars, daughter of the Chief of the, II. ..............
****......... 814 marries Jalaluddin Khwarizmi ............... 89 Kalachuris of Tripura intermarried with the Khubilai meets Chinghiz Khân .................. 178
PAlas of Bengal .............. .................. 99 Khulagu meets Chinghiz Khân .................. 178 kalamos indicos, the Indian reed, Greek khusum-tree, Greek notices of the.........3094, 3374 accounts of ...
..................335f kiljai ; see juzbi ........... ................... 85n Kali, a village goddess.....................79, 108, 109 Kin Emperor of China, the ; his wars with the Kalinga country in the possession of the Mongols .....................
......................... 267ff Eastern Gangas .............. .......... 11 Kipchaks, Mongol attacks on the............175, 176 Kalinganagara, the capital of the Eastern | Kollagira, Kollapura, ancient names of K014Gangas .............
11 pur, in the Southern Maratha Country ... 23ff Kalyan, fortress near Hirât, 117;-captured Kondakunda ; see Kundakunda ................... 15ff by the Mongols
Kongiņivarman, Satyavákya (Western Ganga), Kalyanapura, Late Chalukyas of ...............140ff Coorg inscription of; edited.................... 76€ Káma, Kamadêva, Kavaņa, brother in law of Kongudesa-Rujukkal, an explanation of the
Shashthadeva II............................ 288, 289n early history in the ............................. 124 Kanarese Ballads; the Insurrection of Rå. Kongulavalli Twelve, a group of villages near yanna of Sangolli; edited ......................... 293ff
Miraj ............
............. ................. 141 Kanauj, information about the history of, 99ff, Korumelli plates of Rajaraja II. (Chola suc.
101ff, 164f cessors of the Eastern Chalukyas); edited 48ff Kandahår in the Mongol days...................... 85 Kösavardhana, a mountain in Central India. 46, 48 Kandalgam plates (spurious) of Pulikesin II. kostos of the Greeks is the Sanskrit kushtha,
(Western Chalukya); edited ................. 330f an aphrodisiac drag ................................ 341 kangar, kángrí, description of the, 265,- Kota State inscription ..................... 45ff, 3514
origin of the, 266 ;-derivation of its name 266 Kotiak, chief of the Kipchaks, first reports the Kanhara, Kanhára, a form of the name of approach of the Mongols to the Russians ... 176
Krishna (Yadava of Dêvagiri) ...............68, 73 Kramita, a Brahmarical surname in the Kaņho is a Pråkpit form of the naine Krishna 73n Southern Maritha Country................... 74 Karaháta, the modern Karhad near Sattårå, Krishna (Yadava of Dêvagiri), Bendigêri
a reference in the Mahibharata to...........333 plates of; edited ............. .................. 68ff Kardwân; see Bâmiyan .....
Krishṇaraja, an early king, silver coins of ... 68 karewd, a form of marriage............
Krishnararman (Early Kadamba) conquered karmántika, an official title denoting 'a the Någas...................
............... 13 superintendent of a work'....................... 333 kerokottas of the Greeks is the hyæna ......... 281 Karna, a king who preceded Chandradêva of Kshatrapas, a note on the legends of the
Kanauj...............................................59, 102 silver coins of the ................................65n, 325 karpion-tree of the Greeks seems to combine Kufic alphabet, a ...................................... 181
the characteristics of some kind of laurel Kalja, visited by Ch'ang-Ch'un .................. 147
with those of the screw-pine................. 339 Kulôttunga-Chôdadera II. (Choļa successors Kårtavirya II. (Rasta of Saundatti and of the Eastern Chalukyas), Chellar plates
Belgaum), Tôrda! inscription of; edited ... 1444 of; edited .............. ................ 55ff kartas non ; see ass ................................... 2841 Kulottunga-Chola-Rajakosarivarman, the leKasahrada, a désa in Gujarat, including the gend on the seal of the Leiden plates of;
river Vehichoha and certain villages ...... 202 edited .................................................. 205 Kasiki- Vritti, quotations from classical Sans- Kumfragupta (Early Gupta), silver coins of... 66 krit poetry in the ......................
Kundakunda, a Jain author; his works, and Kasmír, folktales from, 239 ;-legends from...26ff proposed date in the time of the Early kassia of the Greeks denotes aromatio sub. Kadambas....................................15, 23, 24, 25
stances produced chiefly from different Kandi desa was a part of the Kuntala country,
species of cinnamomum ...................... 339 and included the village of Têridala... 21, 25, 26 katakam-utkalita is not a chronogram, but Kuntala country included the Kandi desa ... 21
means only a camp was pitched' ............ 141 Reynolykos ; see krokottas ........ ............. 281 KathiÂwad inscriptions ...................... 75, 327ff kelas of the ancient Greeks is the adjutant. 305 lac-insect and its products, ancient Greek kerkion of the ancient Greeks is the maind ... 305 notices regarding the............. ............... 309