Gonka-Jinalaya; the name of a Jain temple | grdmadeva, 'the tutelary village god, men
ut TérdA! ...................................... 24, 25 tioned in an inscription.......................... 11 Göpakapuri, ancient Sanskrit name of Goa in grass, chewing; a sign of defeat and submis. Western India....................
.sion .......................
.. ... 299 gorava; see gurava................................ 11, 139f
.............. 11. 139€ graves, position of Musalman .................. 29n Gotiputa (Gauptiputra), a metronymic of one
griffin (gryphon) myth regarding the cleared of the Sungas .................
up .................................... 275, 276, 281, 282 ***............. 139
gulda-dhvaja, "a banner bearing the device gštras, names of, as occurring in records :
of a hill"; the explanation of its origin ... 24n Agastya ..........................................
Guddavadi vishaya, in the Vengi country, in Arshţika ........................................... 74
cluding certain villages ........................ 50 Atrêya ................ ............. 58, 74, 315
gúgal, guggala, Greek notices of, under the Bharadvája................
................ 74
name of bdellion ................................... 338 Bharadâja..... ....... 50, 58, 75, 316
Guhasena of Valabhi, an earthenware inscrip Bhargava ..........
tion of; edited ............ ... .......... 75 Devarata ............. ..................74, 315
Gujarat, Rashtrakůtas of, a genealogical in. Garga ..................... ................... 74, 315
scription of the ............. ................ 196ff Gårgyà ....... ......... ............ 74, 289, 315
Gumäni Kavi of Patna, a Bihari poet, Gautama ..... ... ............. 74, 102, 315
macaronic verses of ...... 124, 206, 236, 261, 292 Harita ............ ............. 58, 74, 315
Ganapura, a town in Central India ; & camp Harita.............
.................. 330 of Våkpatiraja of Dhårå
159 Harita ....................
.......... 49, 50, 56, 334 ...... 99,00,
Gupta, Maharaja (Early Gupta); discussion Jámadagnya-Vatsa ........................... 74, 315
as to whetber his name was Gupta or Sri. Kandyana......................................... 229
gupta ............................................. 94, 180
.............. Kapi ............................................ 58, 74
Gupta era did begin, as stated by Albirani, in KApishthala ...............
819-20 A.D., 342n;-it is convenient to call Kasyapa ........ 58, 74, 75, 100, 232, 315, 331
it by this name, but there is nothing in Kaundinya.............. ............... 74, 315
the inscriptions to shew specifically that it Kausika ............................58, 74, 315
was founded by the Guptas, 342n;-it was Kuydina ........ ..
introduced into Nepal in perhape 407 A.D., LAvana (P) .......................................... 202
345 ;-various dates recorded in it...... 75, 98, Maitråvaruņa
328, 3421 Maitreya......
Guptas, Early: review of Mr. V. A. Smith's ............. 49, 50, 330 Manavya.....
paper on their gold coins, &c., 92ff;--fur. Maudgalya .........................................
ther notes on them, 179f;—the legends on Mauna-Bhargava ...............................
their silver coins.......... .................. 65ff Mudgala....
gurava, gurdva, gorava; a note on the appli. Parfsara ......................................
cation of these titles ..................11, 139, 140n Parasara...............
Gwalian, see Wâliân..........
.......... 87 Purukutsa ................ Bandilya.............................. 74, 100, 168
Hamadân, rebels against the Mongols, 173; Saunaka ..................
-ravaged in the revenge ......................... 175 Srivatsa .................
Hammiras were overthrown by Singhaņa II. 314 Vådhryasva .......
Håritiputra, Håritiputra, Håritiputra, a metro Vadhála ...........
nymic of the Early Chalukyas and their Vasishtha ................
descendants ........ ...............49, 50, 56, 330 V&sishtha ....................................... 315 Haritiputra, a metronymic of one of the Vatsa.............................................53, 74
Satakarnis .........
................ 834 Vishnuvsiddha ............................... 74, 315
Hâritipatra-Satakarņi, Banawasi inscription Visvamitra.....................................74,315 of; edited ................. ................ 331ff Yaska ..............
........ 58 Harshavardhana of Kanauj; a reference to Govinda IV. (Rashtrakatas of Gujarat) was
his defeat by Pulikėgin II., 331;-he an usurper ......................................... 197 conquered Nepal and introduced his era Govindachandra (GAhadavála), 'Basahi' plate there, 346;-various dates recorded in this of; edited ............
..................... 10ff era .................................................... 84217 Güvindariya, of the Latest Chalukyas of Haswa, capture of, by the Muhammadans ... 260 Kalyanapura .........
......... 141 | Headless Horseman, a version of the............ 260