[MARCH, 1881.
ditvadeva at Ajurika (the modern P), in which is the basis of Somadeva's commentary. the country of Kollapura' (see Selections from In both the text is divided into 5 Adhyâyas the Records of the Bombay Government, No. ।(पञ्चाध्यायाः परिमाणमस्य पश्चकं जैनेन्द्रम् । पञ्चकं विदन्त्यधीVIII. New Series; pp. 321, 326-329).
Taar:), each Adhyâya consisting of 3. A paper MS. consisting of 138 leaves, 4 Padas; but whereas in the shorter recension entitled Panchavastuka. This is a short gram- the total number of Sûtras hardly amounts to mar arranged after the fashion of the Kaumudis. 3000, Somadeva's text contains no less than It c'esists of five chapters, Sandhi-vastu, Náma- 3,712 rules. There are also some slight differvastSaudhi-fi.e. Samásavidhi-) vastu, Hridvi. ences in the formation of the Pratya háras, in dhi . Tuddhitavidhi-) vastu, Akhyata-vastu. the employment of technical terms, and in the The Sútias are taken from the text of the arrangement and wording of the rules, but as Jainerdira grammar given by Abhayanandin, all these differences do not materially affect and hos are accompanied by a short commen- the character of the work, it is possible to base tary. Towards the end of the MS. the whole an estimate of it mainly on the shorter and, I is stated to be the work of Devanandy-dchárya may add, original text. ( 970 f 7R). How much . And here I may remark that among the truth there is in this statement, I shall endeavour various grammars which have come under my to show below; here it will suffice to note that notice, there is none more wanting in origiin a verse which occurs on Fol. 8a the author- nality, none more worthless than the Jainendram. ship of the Panchavastuka is distinctly assigned It was indeed difficult for later grammarians to to Srutalcirti. In the MS. before me the actual add to the store of knowledge which had been text of the Panchavastuka commences on Fol. collected by Pånini, Katyayana, and Patanjali; 10a, and the first 9 leaves contain a commentary nevertheless there has been no lack of scholars on the introductory portion of it. The work who have endeavoured to improve on the arbegins :
rangement of the Ashtadhyâyî, and who, each जगचितयनाथाय नमो जन्मप्रमाथिने |
in his way, have done useful work. The Jainenनयप्रमाणवायश्मिध्वस्तध्वान्ताय शान्तये ||
dra-grammar, taken as a whole, is a copy of
Påņini pure and simple, and the sole principle अथ प्रत्याहारक्रमो ७ नुवयते । तद्यथा | अ इ उण | ...
on which it was manufactured, appears to be After a discussion on the Pratyahara-Sûtras,
that the saving of half a short vowel affords as in which it is stated that they are in every much delight as the birth of a son.' respect the same as those given in the works of
The Jainendra-grammar omits all those rules former grammarians (meaning Pånini), and that
of Påņini's grammar, which treat of the Vedic the Ayogavâhas (Anusvåra, Visarjaniya, etc.) idiom. Of the rules relating to the accents it are not put down in them, the author goes on retains only in a somewhat altered form) the to say (Fol. 116):
general rules which define the terms Udátta, पञ्चमी गतिमापन्नं पञ्चतत्त्वार्थदेशिनम् ।
Anudatta and Svarita, and the technical rule
F T :. Pratyahára-Sutras ure not given, प्रणम्य वचसा वक्ष्ये प्रपञ्च पञ्चवस्तुकम् ॥
but the Pratyahâras used are Påņini's. For the In now proceeding to give a short account of
rest, both the order of the rules and the rules the contents of the Jainendra-grammar, I have
themselves are, generally speaking, the same first to state that the MSS. which have been
as in Panini's grammar, and the compiler's described in the above, contain two different ingenuity is exclusively exerted in the endeavour recensions of the text of the Sutras, a shorter to economize one or more syllables. To this one which has been followed by Abhayanandin end he transposes the words of a role;" he omits and in the Panchavastuka, and a longer one the particle 7 (see Mahâbhâshya on P. I, 3,
'स्वस्ति श्रीकोलापुरदेशान्तर्वाजुरिकामहास्थानयुधिष्ठि- मभट्टारकपश्चिमचक्रवर्तिश्रीवीरभोजदेवविजयराज्ये शकर्षकरावतारमहामण्डलेश्वरगण्डरादित्यदेवमिर्मापितत्रिभुवनतिलक - सहस्रकशतसप्तविंशतितमकोधनसंवत्सरे स्वस्तिसमस्तानवद्यविजिनालये श्रीमत्परमपरमेष्ठिश्रीनेमिनाथश्रीपादपद्माराधनव- | द्याचकचकवर्तिश्रीपूज्यपादपदानुरक्तचेतसा श्रीमस्सोमदेवमुनीलेन वादीभवज्ञाङ्कशश्रीविशालकीर्तिपण्डितदेवयावृत्यतः श्रीम-श्वरेण विरचितेयं शब्दार्णवचन्द्रिका नाम वृत्तिरिति । FEUGIK **4urag: TETETTIGETHAY - 1 persa E = P. VII, 1,9 atat e E.