MARCH, 1881.]
[°] na-Saka
Plavamga-sam[] vatsarada A(a)śvayaja sa 15ya[°] lll .
sriman-maharaj-adhiraja[°] râjaparamêsvara-Sri-vi['] rapratåpa-Sadisi(si)vadova[] mahârâyaru
pru(pri)thvî-rajyan[°] geü(vu)tt-iralu
Tismôja [] Kondôja Bhadriy=ivaru
mûvara [^] râyara mechi(chchi)si bådi-konda samman(bar)dha [""] råyaru Aļuva simhvá(hâ)sanakke saluva si["] mey-onge
návidarige [*] te(?)rage ma(ma)nyav-âgi & Sadasivarâyard [1] Śrframgaraja
Ere[°] marajayya Venkatâdrira jayya
Sri["]"............................... Translation.
thirty or forty well executed images of Vishņu May it be auspicious! On the fifteenth day of and other principal gods, cut on the rock. The the bright fortnight of the month) Aévayuja of inscription is towards the east end of this row the Plavamga samvatsara, which was the 1469th
saritateara, which was the 1469th of images. It covers a space of 1'7" high by year of the victorious and clorious Salivahana- 1'1broad. The characters are Nagari, and Saka,--while the great king, the brave and the language is Sanskrit. puissant Sri-Sadasivad êva, the glorious
The inscription is not dated; but it is progreat king, the supreme king, the supreme lord bably of the sixteenth or seventeenth century of kings, was governing the world -
A.D. It parports to record the advent of the (L. 9.)-These three men, Timmôja and
goddess Mahalakshmi from Kolla pura, the Koņdôja and Bhadri of the town of Bådå vi,
modern Kolbâpur, where there is a large temple having propitiated the king, that same (king)
dedicated to her and of great repute all over Sadasivaraya, in connection with a re
this part of the country. quest that they made, [issued his commands to lo And on the rock near this inscription there Srirangaraja and Ramarajayya and Eremarája.
are the following three lines, in Canarese char. yya and Venkatádrirajayya, ..........
acters of much the same standard as those of ...... ................, (and
No. LXXXVIII, above :--Transcription :-[1] allotted) an impost, as a manya-grant, to the Prabhava-samvatsarada Bhadra śn 5 [2]86ma. barbers of the village of) (?) U labi, which is
vâra Vardhamânadêvaru [3]muktar- daru included in the boundaries of the demesnes) that
Translation :-"On Monday the fifth day of the appertain to the throne over which the king
bright fortnight of the Prabhava saivatsara, presides, ..............
Vardhamânadôva obtained liberation."
Transcription. No. XCII.
[] Sri-Kollapura-var-eśvaThe last, and probably the latest, of the 'ryai Sri Mahalakshmyai namah. [ll*]Badâmi inscriptions is the following, at a small [*] Hârita-kula-sambhůta-Rasacred place called Aralikatti, about half a mile [*] vidêva-tridamdinah
tushta to the east of Båda mi, and a little to the right [*] Kollâparåd=dévi
Mahalaoff the pathway over the hills to Mahakuta. [] kshmir=ih=ågatå
LakshmiThere is a pool with a spring; a small masonry ['] mahatmyam mangalam [*] cell; another cell, half of masonry, in front of [*] Maha-Sri-Mahalakshmyai namah [i*) & natural cavity in the rock; and a row of [°] .....................
69 This line is entire, but the letters are hopelessly in- copy was made. His copyist, however, did not attempt distinct. The rest of the inscription, eight mure lines, is the rest of the inscription. quite illegible.
** No. 49 of P., s., and 0.-C., Inscriptions. 03 Sir W. Elliot's copy gives a ppaneyanu kodisi in 1. 17; 65 The letters in this line are very cramped and quite the stone may have been a little more legible when his ! unintelligiblo.