(JANUARY, 1879.
11 of eminent kings,-he acquired the re- the water-lily that grows in the navel of the nowned appellation of the son of Sri-Jaya- god Vishnu, it states that, among the Chasimha.' He, the godlike one, whose strength !uk yas, who were born in his family, there was irresistible in subverting the power of the was king Taila, whose son, (omitting Satyaexcessively ill-behaved son of Antakall, śraya) was Daśa varma. His son was having conquered him '16 who bears (the em- Vikrama, to whose younger brother, Jayablem of) a fish upon his banner, -his condition simhavallabha, king Aha va malla was of being the great lord of the Châļu kyas born. His sons were Sômês vara and is glorious."
Kali-Vikrama, or the brave Vikrama.' Teat.
There is then given, at some length, the geneaTasmid=ajáyata jagaj-janita-pramôdah logy of Ravidê va, or Raviya na bhatt a Grimgåra-vira-rasikah kavi-loka-kâmtâh as he is also called, by birth a Brahman of the Kâmtâ -vilôļa-nayan -otpala -châru-chandras- Kâsya pa gôtra; and it is recorded that he Chalukya-vamsa-tilako Bhuvanaikamallah | cansed a certain Någa varma to build a Translation.
temple of the god Svayambh -Siva at the "From him was born Bhuvanaika
village of Eh û r.118 Then come the grants to malla, the ornament of the Chalu kya this temple :lineage-who produced the happiness of the world; who was characterized by love and
Svasti Samasta-bhuvan-asrayat śrlbravery; who was dear to poots; and who was prithvivallabha-maharaj-ådhirâja-paramośvaraas a beautiful moon to cause to open into paramabhattarakam. Satyaśraya-kuļa-tiļakar blossom) the water-lilies which were the tremu- Châļuky-abharanam śrimat-Tribhuvanalous eyes of his mistresses."
malladôvara vijaya-rajyam=uttar-ôttar-abhiAfter this the copy in the MS. Collection vriddhi - pravarddhamanam = a-chamdr-arkkaand the Second Copy differ so hopelessly, and tårar baram salattam = ire Kalyanada neleeach is so unpresentable by itself, that I vidino!=sukha-samkatha-vinodadi rajyamcannot any further reconstruct the text in a geyyuttam=ire Rashtrapati-vishayapatireadable form. There is one more verse in praise
grâmakutak - Ayaktaka - niyuktak - adhikarika - of Bhuvanaikamalla, and then four
mahattar-di-sammatadim Svasti śrimachin praise of his younger brother Vikram &- Chalukya-Vikrarna-varshada 2neya Pimgaļaditya, also called Tribhuvanamalla; they samvatsarada Sråvaņa-paurņnamasi Adityavåra do not seem to contain any historical allusions. sôma-grahaņa-mabâ-parv va-nimittadim palavu † The Sanskrit portion of the inscription termi- mahâ-dânamgalam kottu dâna-kalado! srimannates here, and is followed by the words :
mahậpradhanam heri-là !a") samdhi-vigrahi Idu támra-sdsanado! = irdda Chalukya-chakra- dandanayakam Raviyaṇabhattara binnapadim varttigaļa valsada rajyani-goyd-arasugala ráj-avar=mmadisida haral*0 SriSvayambhaávaļi; i.e. "This (is) the royal genealogy, which dêvargge gandhadhûpa-dipa-naivedy-adywas in a copper-plate charter, of the kings, who archchanakkam khamda sphuţita - jírnn. exercised dominion, of the lineage of the Cha. oddhara-nava-sadhakarmmakkam pâyola". ļuky a emperors.
varggakkam vô(8)duva kêļva vidyartthiThen commences the Canarese portion. After tapôdhanara ohhâttrara " asana verse invoking a blessing on a Leader of the achchhadanakkam avargge va(o)khkhanisuva forces, named Ravidêva, it reverts to, and bhattarggam Chaitra-pavitr-abhyagat-adirecapitulates part of the genealogy. Starting pûjegalgam sankranti-grahan-âdi-parvvawith the god Brahmâ, who was born from hôma-bali-kriy-adigalgam Brâhman-âdi-din1. Some words in the text are unintelligible here; see
111 Mah-esuara. There is also an allusion to the de. note 111 sbove.
straction of Kámaders by Maheárara, or Siva. 115 Some southern king named Kams must be alluded
115 This is the form of the name here in both copies. to here. The god Kamadeva, who is certainly referred to
The metro shows that the first syllable is long. in the last part of the verse, and probably here also, is some
Various Readings. times said to be the son of Dharma, i.e. Yama, or Antaka. 110 MS. Coll., hirelala; 8. C., as in my text. -130 MS. 116 The Pandya king. Mina-ketu, 'fish-bannered', is
Coll.Yavana; S. C., Endra.--191 MS. Coll., as in my also an epithet of Kámadêrs.
text; S.C., paval.-120 MS. Coll., sastrara; S.C., chha.