FEBRUARY, 1877.]
orders all the Government officers, Brahmans as well as of himself, with singleness of heart and others, patils, and inhabitants, and cultiva- and the ceremony of pouring water (on the tors assembled in the Tadart by name Pip- palms of the hands of the grantee) does hereby parikâ, situate on the banks of the holy give away the above-mentioned Tadar, with Narmada, to the north of the portion of waters all its proper boundaries, which extend as far called the Garda bha pâni, that it be known as the ground for the tending of the cattle and to them that the said Tadâr (?), which is for cutting grass and fuel extends, covering bounded on the east by the Agårvå halâ, the space of one kos, -with all the rows of trees and on the north by the rivulet which flows thereon and the minerals therein, with all the into the ditch belonging to Chikhillika, gold, the land revenne, and the servitude and and on the west by the Garda bha river, and sundry other revenues or fines, and with all on the south by the Pisâ chatirth-the sorts of rights belonging to it to the very Tadâr whose boundaries on the four sides have learned Brahman philosopher the illustrious V athus been described the king being at Ujjain santâ chârya, son of Dhanika Pandit, on the fourteenth day of the bright fortnight who has emigrated from Ahichchhatra into of the month of Bhadrapada, the auspicious this southern realm,--As long as the sun and day of the Pavitrak Parvani of the Samvat moon, the earth and the seas endure. year 1031, after bathing himself in the waters Knowing this, they are henceforth to give to of the Siva lake and worshipping the lord of this Brahman, in obedience to the royal order, all every living as well as lifeless thing, the lord established rents, servitudes, taxes, and the gold. and husband of Bhavani, and considering on “Considering that the merit," &c. the vanity of the world
"This earth has been enjoyed by many The dominion of the earth is as shifting as the
princes," &c. tempest clouds," &c.
“Of wealth, which is as transitory as a “The life of man is like a drop of water," &c.
bubble of water," &c. " Wealth is changing like the edge of the cir- "To all future kings of this earth," &c. 1 cumference of a revolving wheel," &c.
"Looking upon wealth," &c.t --being thus convinced of the vanity of all Dated 1031 Bhadrapada Sudi Chattardagi created things, and choosing to abide by the un- 14. This order has been given by Sri Kanhaforeseen rewards for meritorious deeds, bent on paika. This is the signature in Vakpati. furthering the merits of his mother and father rája Deva's own handwriting.
II.-Bhoja's Inscription.
Plate I. । जयति व्योमकेशोसौ यः सय बित्ति तां । ऐन्दवीं शिरसा लेखां जगदीजांकुराकृतिम्॥
तन्वंतु वः स्मरारातः कल्याणमानिशं जटाः कल्पान्तसमयोदामतडिद्वलय'पिङ्गलाः ॥ परमभट्टारक महाराजाधिराज परमेश्वर श्री सीयकदेव पादा* नुध्यात परमभट्टारक महाराजाधिराज परमेश्वर श्रीवाक्पतिराजदेव' पादानुध्यात परमभट्टारक महाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वर श्रीसिन्धुराजदेवपादानुभ्यात'परम भट्टारक महाराजाधिराज परमेश्वर श्रीभोजदेवः कुशली ॥ नागदह पश्चिम पथ' कांतः पाति वीराणके समुपगतान्समस्तराजपुरुषान्ब्राह्मणोत्तरान्प्रतिनिवासिपकि
ल जनपदादींश्च समादिशयस्तु वः संविदितं ॥ यया अतीताष्टसप्तत्यधिकसाहसिक ' सम्वत्सरे माघासिततृतीयायाम् । रवावुदगयनपर्वणि कल्पित ह10 लाना लेख्ये ॥ श्रीमदारायामवस्थितरस्माभिः सात्वा चराचरगुरुं भगव
+ Dr. Hall reads this Vadar.-D. * The full translation of the slokas marked thus I is
given in the translation of the second inscription, where they occur again,