[JANUARY, 1 877.
[3] महाराजश्रीरविवर्मणः
स्वभुजक्लपराक्रमावाप्तानिरवद्यविपुल[4] राज्यश्रियः विद्वन्मतिसुवर्णनिकषभूतस्य कामाद्यरिगण
Second plate; first side. [5] त्यागाभिव्यजितेन्द्रियजयस्य
न्यायोपार्जितार्थ[संहितसाधुजन स्य [B] क्षितितलपततविमलयशसः . प्रियतनयः पूर्वसुचरितोपचितविपुल
M] पुण्यसम्पादितशरीरबुद्धिसबः . सर्वप्रजाहृदयकुमुदचन्द्रमाः महाराज[8] श्रीहरिदर्मा स्वराज्यसंवत्सरे पञ्चमे पलाशिकाधिष्ठाने अहरिष्ठिसमाव्हय-*
Second plate ; second side [9] श्रमणसङ्गान्वयवस्तुनः , धर्मनन्द्याचार्याधिष्ठितप्रामाण्यस्य चैत्यालयस्य 110] पूजासंस्कारनिमित्तम् साधुजनोपयोगाय॑ञ्च, सेन्द्रकाणां कुलललाम पूतस्य [u] भानुशक्तिराजस्य विज्ञापनया मरदेग्रामन्दत्तवान [u] य एतलोभायै X कदाचिदप[12] हरेत्स पञ्चमहापातकसंयुक्तो भवति यश्याभिरक्षति स तत्पुण्यफलम्
_Third plate... [13] अवामोतीति [i] उक्तञ्च ॥ स्वदत्तां परदत्तां वा यो हरेत वसुन्धराम् षष्टिवर्ष][14] सहस्राणि नरके पच्यते तु सः॥ बहुभिर्वसुधा भुक्ता राजभिस्सगरादि[भिः] [15] यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्यां तदा फलम् ॥ ये सेतूनभिरक्षन्ति [10] भमान्संस्थापयन्ति च द्विगुणं ..पूर्वकर्तृभ्यः तत्फलं समुदाहृतम् [1] Translation.
crated by meditating on the assemblage of the It is accomplished ! Hail! In the fifth year mothers of the lord Mahasena, and who are of his own reign, at the capital of Palasikâ, at of the lincage of Manavya and the descendants the request of king Bhânusakti, who was the of Hâriti, and who are thoroughly well versed .glory of the family of the sdndrakast, the in the system of private study and prayer that
Great King Sri-Harivarma, the excellence | they have adopted-gave the village of Maof whose body and intellect had been produced rad & for the use of holy people and for the by the great religious merit acquired by good purposes of the celebration of the rites of the actions performed in a previous state of exist- temple which was the property of the sect of ence, and who was a moon to the blue lotuses Srama na sg called A harish ti and the that were the hearts of all his subjects,- authority of which was superintended by the the beloved son of Sri-Ravivarma, who Acharya Dharmanandi. possessed blameless and mighty regal power | He, who through avarice, &c., takes away that had been acquired by the strength and this grant, incurs the guilt of having commitprowess of his own arm, who was the touchstone ted the five great sins; but he, who preserves it, to test the gold which was the minds of learned acquires the reward of that meritorious action ! people, who had manifested his victory over And it has been said :-He is tormented in his passions by freeing himself from lust and hell for the duration of sixty thousand years, other such enemies, who supported holy people |&c.! Land has been enjoyed by many kings, with the wealth that he had amassed by just commencing with Sagara; &c.! The reward means, and whose pure fame was spread abroad of them who preserve bridges and repair them over the surface of the earth, and who was the when broken, is declared to be twice as great Great King of the Kadam bas who are conse- as (the reward of) the original builders of them. • There being no roon for this letter,
at the end collection, a snall stone-tablet inscription in the Cave. of the line, it is inserted below the letters 'sama.'
alphabet characters at Balagårhve belonging to the time of + This word was omitted in its proper place in the line, one of the Vikramadityas of the Chalukya family-proand was then inserted in the margin at the end of the lin?, bably the first of that name in Sir W. Elliot's list; but the and two Sustikas were employed to indicate the place to photograph is very small and indistinct, and I cannot make which it belongs..
out the whole passage. I Notices of the Sendrakas are not frequent. I find the S sramana, - Jain (as well as a Bauddha) religious family meutioned in line 3 of No. 98 of Major Dixon's mendicant, or ascetio.