[13] Fiat CTTT [11]
T uvar ra youmarato [14] यश्चैनं रागद्वेषलोभमोहरपहरति स निकृष्टतमा गतिमवा
Third plate. [15] a [ll] 357 [UFITTI TEHI AT TT TTATGTH afer - [16] Harlo TĀ qe I #: [l] agrafa #TTTT[17] FHITIT TETT TETT YTTET Te at fata [1] [18] वर्धतां वर्धमानार्हच्छासनं संयमासनम् येनाद्यापि जग[19] 5511491905gth [11] À
4914 [ll] Translation.
sacrifice, the perpetual anointing with clarified It is accomplished ! Hail ! $ ri-Harivarma, butter for the temple of the Arhat which Mși--the Great King of the Kadambas, who are gês a, the son of the General Sinha of the lineconsecrated by meditating on the assemblage of age of Bharad v å ja, had caused to be built at the mothers of the lord Mah â sê na; who are of Pa labiká, and that whatever might remain the lineage of Mâ navya; who are the descend over after this was to be devoted to the purpose ants of Haritî; and who have adopted the prac- of feeding the whole sect. tice of private study and prayer,-being kindly He, who with justice protects this grant, disposed towards his subjects, acquired, through shares in the reward of the religious merit of the the pious acts performer! by him in many (previ- grant; but he, who through envy or hatred ous) states of existence, a sovereignty that was free or avarice or folly confiscates it, falls into the from all troubles, and pervaded the whole world most low condition! And it has been said :with his fame, and, being the receptacle of the He is tormented in hell for the duration of sixty waters which are the sacred writings, adhered to thousand years, &c.! Land has been enjoyed the path prescribed by those who were mature by many kings, commencing with Sagara; in science, and cleft open the mountains which
&c.! were his enemies by the blows of the thunder- May the practice of sitting in abstract meditabolt which was his own arm.
tion, which is the doctrine of the Arhat Var In the fourth year of his reign, on the thir- dham â na $, and by which is effected), even teenth day of the bright fortnight of the in the present time, the destruction of the sins month) Phålguna, at the hill or village, called of worldly existence, flourish! Reverence to the Uchchasing it, he, giving such a promise Arhat Vardhamana! as gladdened the hearts of all people, at the
No. XXVI. advice of his father's brother Sivaratha, This inscription consists of three plates, about having made Chandra kshanta the prin- 87" long by 2 broad; the seal of the ring concipal (donee), gave into the posession of the sect necting the plates bears the word Sri-Harivarmof Varis hê nach â rya of the Kirchakas mand,' i.e. by Sri-Ha rivar ma', preceded (the village of) Vasunta v å taka in the and followed by a Svastik.. It records the district of Sud dikund ûr, free from all grant of a village by Harivar mâ, in the fifth claims, saying that it was for the purpose year of his reign, at the request of king Bhá nuof providing annually, at the great eight-days sakti of the family of the Sendra kas.
Transcription :
First plato. [I] सिद्धम्।। स्वस्ति । स्वामिमहासेनमातृगणानुध्यानाभिषिक्तानाम्मानव्यसगोत्राणा [म्] [2] हारितीपुत्राणाम् प्रतिकृतस्वाध्यायचर्चापाराणाम्
I Either the hill of the high peak,' or 'the village where there is the hill of the high peak.'
$ The last and most celebrated of the twenty-four Jain Tirthaikams of the present age.
A mystical mark, to denoto good luck, shaped like a
Greek cross with the extremities of the four arms bent round in the same direction.
This word is given in the margin of the plate, by the side of the hole for the ring, instrad of in its usual and proper place as the first word of the inscription.