(APRIL, 1877.
[30] वेदाय पुनः कौशिकसगोत्राय आदियषडंगविदे काश्यपसगोत्रा[31] य शिवशर्मणे कौत्ससगोत्राय महाकाळाय कौशिकसगोत्राय दास'[39] शर्मणे को(?)त्स(?)सगोत्राय देव(?)शर्मणे कामु(?)कायनसगोत्राभ्यां शंकर
Third plate. .. [33] स्वामिशर्माभ्यां भारद्वाजसगोत्राय पति(?)शर्मणे काश्यपसगोत्राय देवशर्मणे भारता[34] जसगोत्राय मादिशर्मणे काश्यपसगोत्राय त(?)मानशर्मणे वा......... कौशिकस[35] गोत्राय दासशर्मणे' व.... त्रिंशतो(?) ग्रामा नाम.... सत्या(?)श्रया दत्ताः(?) [36] कदुवपवे(?)पु(?)नामग्रामे भारद्वाजसगोत्राय दोणशर्मणे पजविंशतिनिवर्त्तनं राजमाने[37] न क्षेत्र कौण्डिन्यसगोत्राय वृद्धशर्मणे तथा पत्राशभिवर्त्तनं क्षेत्र कौशिकसगोत्राय आदित्य[38] षडंगविदे तथा पञ्जाशनिवर्त्तनं क्षेत्रं तस्यैव सिहुकूरे पविंशतिनिवर्त्तनं क्षेत्रं [30] प्राजापत्यं काश्यपसगोत्राय देवशर्मणे राजमानेन पञविंशतिनिवर्त्तनं क्षेत्रं [40] मानव्यसगोत्राय वासुदेवाय (?) यु(?)सासाय तथा पत्रुविंशतिनिवर्त्तनं क्षेत्रं [41] मानव्यसगोत्रायै बाह्मण्यै द्वादशनिवर्त्तनं क्षेत्रं प्राजापत्यं सत्ति(?)क(?)रयामे कौण्डिन्यसगो[42] त्राय हे (?)तिशर्मणे पजविंशतिनिवर्त्तनं क्षेत्रं प्राजापत्यं [0] उक्तानि नामगोत्राणि वृत्तयश्च [u] त143] दागामिभिरस्मद्वं श्यैरन्यैश्च राजभिरापुरैश्वर्यादीनां विलसितमचिरांसु(शु)चंचलमवग[44] च्छद्विराचन्द्रार्कधरार्णवस्थितिसमकालं यशश्चिचीषुभिः स्वदत्तिनिर्विशेषं परिपालनीयं [1] [45] उतञ्ज [1] स्वदत्ता परदत्तां वा यो हरेत वसुन्धरां षष्टिवर्षसहस्राणि विष्ठायां जायते कृमिः [I] [46] इति [1] महासान्धिविग्रहिकश्रीरामपुण्यवलभेन लिखितमिदं शासनं [1] Translation.
father (&c., as in No. XXIX.),—thus issues his Hail! Victorious is the body, which was | commands to all people:that of a Boar, that was manifested of Vish- .."Be it known to you! Six hundred and ņu (&c., as in No. XXIX.)!
thirteen years of the Saka (era) having elapsed, The son of the great king srl-Pulak di- in the eleventh year of (Our), augmenting and vallabha-whose body was purified (&c.,as in victorious reign, at (Qur) victorious camp which No. XXIX.)-(was) the great king Kirtti. is located at the village of Elumpundale, on varma, the favourite of the world, (&c., as in the day of the full-moon of (the month) MaNo. XXIX.).
gha, at the request of the Yuvarája sriHis son (evas) Satyasraya the favouriteof | Vijayaditya, the village of M us uniparu, the world, the great king, (&c., as in No.XXLX.). | in the division of Vela hinaru (P), in the ___His dear son (ewas) Vikramaditya, the | three Ganyatas, on the north bank of the supreme lord, the venerable one-who acquired Krishnavêrņâ, is given by us to the (&c., as in No.XXIX)||
Brah mans (herein) mentioned. Their names His son, Vinayadity.a-Satyas raya, and gôtras are declared. To Ravisarmâ, of the favourite of the world, the great king, the Kausika gôtra, who is familiar with the supreme king, the supreme lord, the vener- two V ed&s; to Aditya, again of the K&uable one,-who, having at the command of his bika gôtra, who is acquainted with the Sha
+ There are seven letters here, which I cannot read with any approach to oertainty.
Similarly, there are eight letters here, of which I can make no intelligible words. .
$ Here, again, there are four, or perhaps five, letters, of
which I can make no sense. And such letters as are clear in the latter part of this line do not give any satisfactory meaning.
Excepting the y. 2 samupachita' in l. 12, for 'samu. chita-chita in 1. 18 of No. XXIX.