NOVEMBER, 1875.]
the destruction of all created things, who dwells does not specify, dated in the year of the on the bankof the river Tungabhadra, who Yudhishthira Saka 168, and two others at Balais the supreme spirit, who surpasses everything gam ve purporting to belong to the reign of in his merits, who is eternal, and who is good,- Yudhishthira himself. the said village being devoted to the perpetual
Transcription oblation which is offered up at noon-tide and
[1] श्री गणाधिपतये नमः [] पातु वो to the purpose of the charitable feeding of
[2] ज ल द श्या मा: शाग (शाङ) ज्या घातBrahmans. May it continue victoriously, with
[3] क के शाः [i] त्रैलोक्य में उ पस्तंभा श् त्वारो out being wasted or diminished ! At the command of the king, the learned
[4] हरिबाहवः [] स्वस्ती (स्ति) श्रीजयाभ्युदये युधिष्ठिMadhula,-who has the name of Mallanira
[5] रशके प्लवंगाख्ये ये(ए)कोननवतिवत्सरे सहdhya; who repeats the hymns and prayers of
[6] स्यमासिस) अमावास्यायां साम्यवासरे श्रीमthe Yajurveda; the son of Timmaņaradhya ;
[7] न्म हा राजा धिराजराज परमेश्वरो वीरborn in the family of Kotisa, --composed the [8] प्रतापशाली कुरुकुलोदा (इ)वो वैयग्रणीपाद - verses in this charter.
[9] गोत्रजः श्रीजनमेजयभूपः किष्कि(कि)द्या(ध्या)No. VIII.
[10] नगर्यां सिंहासनस्थः सकलवर्णाश्रमा(म)धThis is from No. 10 of the photographs of oop-| [11] में प्रति पाल कः पश्चिम देश स्थ सीतापुर वृको दper-plate inscriptions at the end of Major Dixon's [12] रक्षेत्र तत्रत्य मुनि द मठस्य गरु उ वाहनाcollection. The original belongs to the Bhima
Second Plate, first side. nakatti Matha* near Tirthahalļi in Maisûr.
[13] तीर्थश्रीमदशि (च्छि for दशि)व्यकैकय (य)नाथराराI publish this inscription chiefly as a curiosity,
[14] धित सीताराम स्य पूजार्थंकृत भूfor it is manifestly a forgery. It purports to
[15] दानसाधनं . अस्म प्र (प)पितामहbelong to the time of Jana meja y a, the great
[16] युधिष्ठिरा दि (वि) स्थि (ष्ठि) तमु नि , दgrandson of Yudhishthira of the Mahabhárata,
[17] क्षेत्र स्य and is dated in the year of the Yudhishthira Saka
चतुःसीमा परिमितिक89, the Plavanga samvatsara. The real date
[18] मः पूर्व भागे उत्तर वा हि न्याः of it cannot be fixed; but the style is modern,
[19] तुंगभद्राया (याः) पश्चि मे दक्षिणand the characters are almost the same as those [20] HIIT
अगस्त्या श्रम संग मा दुof the present Balbodh alphabet. The language
[21] त्तरे पश्चि मे (म भा गे) पाषाण नद्याः पूर्व is Sanskrit, and the inscription covers part of [22] उत्तरभागे भिन्न नद्या दक्षिणे the inner side of the first plate, both sides | [23] ये (ए) त न्म ध्य स्थित मुनि वृ () दक्ष (क्षे) of the second plate, and part of the inner side [24] भवछि (च्छि) व्य पा (प) र (९)पर या आ चंद्राकof the third plate. It says, if nothing more, a [25] परियं (यं for रियं)तं निधि निक्षेपजल पाषाgood deal for the power of the Brahman priest- [26] णभ(णा for ण अ)क्षिणीमा(ण्या for णीभा)गामिसिध hood at the time when it was fabricated, and very
(ब)साध्यlittle for the intelligence of the reigning king
Second Plate, second side. whom it was intended to deceive by means of it. [27] तेज*(जः स्वाम्यसहितं स्वबुध्या (या)नुकूलेन Forgeries of the same type as the present
[28] अस्मन्मा ता पितृणां (पित्रोः) विष्णु लोwould seem to be somewhat common in the
[29] कप्राप्य (प्य) र्थं हरिहरसंनिधी । उपneighbourhood of Maisûr. Nos. 1 and 4 of
[30] राग समय (ये) सहिरण्येन तुंगMajor Dixon's photographs of copper-plates, the former at Ananta pûr, and the latter at
[31] भद्राज लधारापूर्व क (क) क्षेत्र यSurab, in Maistur,-purport to belong to the
[32] तिहस्ते दतो स्मि+ अहं । एतध(द्ध)मैंtime of Janamējaya; but the photographs are
[33] साधनस्या (स्य) साक्षिणः [] आदित्यचंद्राindistinct and mutilated, and I cannot give the
[34] व नि लान लो (लो) च द्यौ भू () मिरापो contents in detail. And Dr. Buchanan men
[35] हुदयं मनश्च । अहश्च रात्रिश्च उtions; an inscription, the locality of which he [36] मे च संध्ये धर्म स्य (च) जा नाति नर
* 'Malha',areligious college, monastery..
+ The late is, of course, long anterior to the introduction of the Vrihaspatichakra or cycle of sixty samvatsaras.
Journey through Maisar, Canara, and Malabar, vol. II, p.362.
वैयामपाद is intended. 4 The remainder of this plate, about one-third of the |
whole, is blank, having never been engraved; but the construction runs on naturally from this word to the first line of the next plate, and accordingly nothing seems to have been omitted here.
* The words अष्टभोग should precede तेजःस्वाम्य, but they have been omitted in the original.
दत्तवानस्मि is intended.