[NOVEMBER, 1875.
his forehead) a slender streak of the moon ! era of the Saka established by Saliva hana, and May that lotus which is the face of Harihara arrived at by the computation of the sky, the sysconfer prosperity, which was reproved with her tems of philosophy, the number four, and the moon, side-glances by the jealous daughter of the in the month Karttika, on the full-moon, in the mountain, when he peeped at the high nipple of bright fortnight, on the day of the sontt of the the breast of Rama*, which was hidden under moon, on the occasion of an eclipse of the moon, the end of her garment that shone like the fall- that same king Achyutama hâr å y a maling rays of a digit of the moon !
la paņņa, who was prudent and clever and This king Achyutad êvarê y a reigns intellectual and virtuous and pious and true gloriously, with the semblance of half the radiant of speech and resolute in his religious vows and disc of the rising sun or of the full-moon; and very compassionate to Brahmans and gods, and his wonderful fame, filling the three worlds, who followed the path of religion, and who was resembles the two opened portions of the egg of amiable and noble-minded and well acquainted Brahma.t Who is more compassionate than with all good accomplishments and learned, and king Achyuta?; for, without delay be effects who had the title of Akkapa, and who exthe relief (from poverty or trouble) of his friends celled in virtue and was well acquainted with who are sincerely attached to him, whereas it the writings on morality and ever busied himself was only in consideration of long service that in religion, and who had acquired the authority Hari, though he also is Achyuta, conferred final of the king over all the Agraharas and the tememancipation upon Vyasa and his other friends. ples of the Brahmans who dwelt at the village He is ennobled with the titles of The glorious of Harihara,-being instigated by him, in order supreme king of kings, the supreme lord of | to increase the religious reputation of his master kings, the conqueror of the Mûru rayas I, he king A chyuta, gave, for as long as the moon who is terrible to other kings, he who is a very and stars might last, the village of KundaSultâng among Hindu kings'.
vada, which yielded all kinds of grain and to And while king Achyuta was ruling the which he gave also the pleasing and famous name whole world ;--The fortunate king|| A chyu- of Achyutará yêndrarallâpura, in the Ventheya tamalla paņņa, who was a jewel-mine of of Uchchangi, in the delightful country of Pandthe quality of compassion, was employed in all yanadu,-situated to the W. of the village of the affairs of king Achyutadê varây:; he sebanůru, to the N. of the village of Sálakatte, having attained prosperity by good actions which to the E. of the village of Båtîti, and to the S. were produced by his worship of Girisa, his of the herdsmen's station of Yaragante, together mind behaved like a bee to the lotuses which with its buried treasure and water and stones are the feet of him** who carries on his diadem and everything that accrues and Akshinati and the young moon.
whatever has become or may become property And this same king Achyutamalla pan | and all its mánya $$ lands and all its taxes,ņa, having at a fit opportunity made known to the god) Harihara, -who is the abidinghis timid request to the king his master, saying place of the lotuses which are the hearts of the "I will bestow a grant in order to obtain the assemblage of ascetics, who is the great spirit, fame of religious merit", straightway gave in who abounds with innumerable good qualities, perpetuity the fertile village that is called Sri- who is as radiant as a crore of suns, whose body Kundava da to Harihara, who is the husband is cleansed from all worldly strife, who is the of Sri and of the daughter of the mountain. enemy of Murall, who is the preserver of the
In the year called Vilambi, belonging to the three worlds and the offecter of creation and
Lakshmi. The mundane egg, the universe. Siva, the lord of the mountain.' I This is one of the usual titles of the Vijayanagara ** Siva. kings, but I do not know who the Múrarayas were ; Muru'is given in Prof. Monier Williams' Dictionary as the name of
ti The planet Budha or Mercury,-1. e. 'on Wednesday'. a country, but with no further specification. [Were they # The meaning of this term is not known to such Pandits Maravar?- . ..
as I have been able to consult; it is given by Prof. Monier $ Suratrum in the text, line 11, is a corruption of
Williaans as one of the eight conditions or privileges at'Sultan.
tached to landed property. || Here and further on the title' king is applied to
$$ Manya,-lands either altogether exempt from taadAchyutamallapanna only to denote high rank and dignity:
tion or liable to only a trifling quit-rent. 'noble' would be a better translation, if not too free.
IN A demon slain by Vishnu as Krishna.