[NOVEMBER, 1875.
[37] (11) Bed&* [n] 19916
"In the sacred locality of the band of saints, [38] ( 91 [] -
which was presided over by my great-grandfather [39] Tahfaq TY 4
Yudhishthira, and the details of the four
boundaries of which are :On the E., to the [40] 1611) fa (TW) To qui TGT
W. of the Tungabhadrâ which (at that place) [41] 7 [] TTTTTT
flows to the north ; on the S., to the N. of the [42] fss waqt I HET
confluence of rivers which is called the conThird Plate, inner side.
fluence of the hermitage of Agastya; on the
W., to the E. of the Påshåñanadi & ; and on [13] Gant pagani HRTET (ET) 18 -
the N., to the S. of the Bhinnanadi ---in order [44] त्ता तु जन नी दत्त भूभी परि
that my parents may attain the world of [45] 1 [l] patet () & (48)
Vishņu, --in the presence of the god Hari[46] A (EU)
{ [1] T: hara, at the time of an eclipse, with gifts of [47] कष्टो ततो नीचः स्वयं दत्ता- gold, and with libations of the water of the [48] FETT !
TTT Tungabhadrâ, I, of my own free will have [49] a 7
a 1 re (et) - given into the hands of ascetics, (to be enjoy[50] ** arro f
- ed) by the succession of your disciples as long [51] (f) !
as the moon and sun may last, the sacred
locality of the band of saints which is situated Translation.
within these limits, together with its hidden Reverence to Śr 1-Ganadhipati! May the treasure and water and stones and everything four arms of Hari protect you, which are of a that accrues and Akshini and whatever has dark colour like a cloud, which are rough from become or may become property, and with being rubbed by the string of the bow Sari- the proprietorship of the glory (of the eight ga **, and which serve as pillars to support the sources of enjoyment)." pavilion of the three worlds!
The witnesses to this act of piety are :-The Hail! In the victorious and glorious Yu- sun, the moon, the wind, fire, the sky, the earth, dhishthira Saka, in the eighty-ninth year called the waters, the heart, the mind, and day, and Plavanga, in the month Sahasyatt, on the day night, and the morning- and the evening-twiof the new-moon, on Wednesday, the king Sri. light, and Dharma||II, know the behaviour of a Janamejaya,--the glorious supreme king of man! Srtváraha.TT In (discriminating between) great kings; the supreme lord of kings; he who giving a grant and preserving &c.! The preserwas endowed with valour and puissance; he who vation of that which has been given by another is was born in the race of Kuru and in the lineage of twice &c.! (Let each one say to himself),-Land Vaiyaghrapada; he who was enthroned at the city | given by myself is to be regarded as a daughter, of Kishkind hyanagari; he who protected and land given by a father as a sister, and land the rites of all castes and of all the stages of life, given by another as a mother; one should made a grant of land it in the sacred locality abstain from land that has been bestowed ! He, called Vrikôdara kshetra of the city of who is mean enough to confiscate that which Sitapura which is in the south country, on has been given by himself, is viler than that account of the worship of the god) Sitarama which is vomited forth by other low animals, who had been propitiated by Kaikayanatha, the but not by dogs! He is born for sixty thousand holy disciple of Garudavábanatîrtha, of the years as a worin in ordure, who takes away the religious college of the band of the saints belong- portion of a Brâhman, whether it has been ing to those parts, (as follows) :
given by himself or by another! Perhaps dedood, the holy boar' (Vishnu), is in
one curve more, in the lower part, to convert it from into tended.
* The bow of Vishnu. ft Pausha. This letter - -was at first omitted in the original Srijanamejayabhupah • ..* kritabhddanasaand then inserted below the line.
dhanam', there is no separate verb with the nominative The word er was at first omitted in the original and
case Arjanamjayabhopa. The construction is wrong
in Sanskrit grammar, but it is a translation of the Canarese then inserted above the line. $ In the original this stop is inserted between the
idiom Srtjan amêjayabhupanu madida bhadanasadhanavu.
and the of HEICE
88 The rocky river.
JIH Yama. This character, a written in the original, requires only 19 See note to line 87 of the text.