MAY, 1873.]
ΟΡΔΑΘΡΟ-arta or ardha (P) + athira, OPΔAΓΝΟ-| sulphur, Στουρα ;-by ευ in Πενκελα ; by @ in Κωφην, ardha +agni or verethraghna * P see Benfey in Supayaonvos.] Ζ. d. D. M. G. VIII., 450 8eqq., 460 8egg.
η, and latin e, stands for ein Βαζοδηο, βηλυρρος, Hence the following results are to be drawn. Κητευς, Κηκεοι, Κηρεβοθρης, Μηρος, 'Οζηνη, Σαγηδα, Firstly, as to the vowels :
Bapenas, Σουρασηνοι, Σωφαγασηνος, Χαβηρις;-fer αι || a stands so regularly for a, d, that there is no need in Hμωδος;-for i in 'Αβηρια (with 'Αβιρια), Βησσαof adducing examples ;--for o in Ilarrala-potala, ρεων (?);-for w in sagenon (2) --for ava in Kovdoyarns, Pandae, --for aya in Bucar- [Indian e is also further represented by 6, as τιον.
above.] [Indian å is further represented by o, as in 'Avov. ω stands for o in 'Ανδωματις, .ωσαμβα, Λωνιβαρε, ρογραμμoν, 'Αμιτροχατης, 'Εραννοβοας, 'Οττορο-, Καμ: Σωνος, Σωρα, Τωσαλει;-for αυ | in Πωρος, Μωριεύς ; βισθολοι, Κανογιζη, Κοκκο-, Κονδοχατης, Κομμενασης, -for αοα in 'Ήμωδος;-for τα in Σωπειθης. Μοδουρα, Μοφις, Σανδροκυπτος, Jomanes,-by in al, a stand for i (ut sup.);-ai, aw for dva, in Ερεννεσις, Δερδοι, Κομμενασης, Κηρεβοθρης, Μεθορια, Πευλελαϊτις, Υδραωτης ;-1o for αυα in 'Ιμαος ;-εο Σεμνοι ;-by-in ζιγγιβερι, Λωνιβαρε, Σισικυπτος ;-by for evα in Δεοπαλλι ;-αυ for a in Γλαυκανικαι, ν in βουτυρον 1 (bhtdri), Δυρβαιοι, (καρυοφυλλον, Glausae, Καυμαρα, Μαυσωλος;-ου for α, α, (ut sup.), Νελκυνδα (nflakantha P); by oυ in σιμουνδου, Ανδου
for n in Ουξεντος ;-ευo for evα in δευος. βαριος, sulphur (Bulgari) ;-by ω in Μωφις, Μαυ- [Indian o is moreover represented by a, 0, 0, - σωλος, Tho representation by a is however by far
an also by o, w (as above); in l'apouas for Gaurt, the more prevalent).
there is probably a transposition from l'aoplas ?] • stands for a (as above), for aya in Kykeot, for
Next with reference to consonants, the freανα in Ουξεντος, for tin Εραννοβοας; Νελκυνδα, for
quent use of B is to be noted. This letter occurs μ in Πολεμιος (Pulumdi), for e in αργελλιον (Ρ),
for pin Bιβασις, «βορα, Δαχιναβαδης, Ινδαβαρα, διβα, ζιγγιβερι.
Καβουρα (2) Καμβισθολου, Κηρεβοθρας, μαλαβαθρον, i stands for i, , of which examples are not re
Παλιβοθρα, Ταβασο, Ταβασσοι, Ταπροβανη, (but 4 quired; also for a (as above), for a in Κανογιζη.
great proportion of these words is probably based [Indian 1 is moreover represented by < (as on Prakrit forms which already had 0);-for o in Above); by a in Αδεισιθρος, Ειρινον, Κασπειραιοι, Βουδνας, Βουδδα, Κωσαμβα, Σαβαρα, Σαμβοι, Σιβος ;Τωσαλει: by αι in Παλαι.* ; by υin Υαρωτις, Υδασ
for bh in βουτυρον, Bolingae, Αβηρια, Αβισαρης, (Βησ. πης, Υφασις, Βαρυγαζα (Ρ), Βυζαντιον, Φυλλιται; by
σαρεων Ρ), 'Ανδουβαριος, Colabae, καττυβουρινη (Ρ); ο in οξυματις.]
--for and especially as an initial, as in-Bacoono, o stands for a, i as above), for u in Odombo
Βαλεoκουρος (Ρ), Βαρυγαζα (1), Βασαρωναξ (Ρ), Βηρυλ. rae, 'όζηνη, 'Οττοροκοβραι, όπαλλιος, Βεζοδηο, βοθρα,
λος, Βησαδαι, Βιβασις, Βιδιασπης, Βυζαντιον, 88 also -βοθρης, -βορα, καμφορα, Κολχοι, Κομαρια, κοστος,
in mediala, thus-cinnabari, Δυρβαιοι, Εραννοβοας,, Μεθορι, μοσχος, Ποκλαίς, Σοδρακαι, (with Συ-), 84
ζιγγιβερι, Ιαβαδιου, Λωνιβαρε, Σανδραβατις, Τυραννοcon (Ρ), Σινθος, Σοανος, Σοαστος, Σοδραι ;-for o in
βοας, Χαβηρις ;-for do in Bαρακη;-for y (perhaps Κοκκό», Γονδαλοι; for an $ in Odormboerae, Bolinge,
by exchange with υ) in Σαραβος. Colube, Πορος ;-for ανα in Πωρος, Μαλλοι.
(The Indian v is further represented by ph in sulv stands for đ, i (as above), for u in Brauppos,
phur ;-by the rough aspirate in Υδάσπης, Υφασις;καρυο-, καττυ-, Κασπαπυρος, Κυλινδρινη, οξυδρακαι,
by the Bmooth aspirate in 'Ερεννεσις, 'Οσσαδιος, οξυματιε, Σανδροκυπτος, Σισικυπτος, Σνδροι, Συρασ
Σοανος, Σοαστος ;-by oύ in Ουινδιον, Πορουαροι. τρηνη.
Besides va appears as w,-ava as a, €, 0, ao, w, [Indian w is represented also by ,, (as above),
αυα a8 αϊ, αω; A8 ουα in “Ροναδος (Irivatf),-eva 88 by oυ (Latin s) in Oυαρσα, Ανουρο-, Βουδνας, Βουδδα,
εο, ευo (as above)]. βοντνρον, «βουρα, (καττυ)βουρινη, Διαομονα, Κακονθις,
Further, the use of o for the smooth palatal ch Ναναγουνα, Μοδουρα, Μουσικανος, «σουρα, Σουρασηνοι, iginteresting, in Glausae, Πασσαλοι, Πρασιοι, Σαν
* Comp. βασιλευς, βασιλεων μεγας Ορθαγνης on I the circumstance that we would then have to assume's coin of Guduphara in Thomas' Catala we of Bactrian Coins, hybrid formation, and would consequently fall into the No. 38 (Lond. 1857). The other words of this kir, such as same difficulty which precludes the explanation of OP ΑΘΡΟ, ΜΠΡΟ, ΜΑΟ, ΜΑΝΑΟ ΒΑΓΟ Are by Laanon also
AHOPOY from ardha + athra. referred to the Zend, more particularly to Persia; whence
+ The constant representation of a by a or 0, , &c., it would indeed be difficult to separate the above words
or more particularly of by . oro, v, ov in different texts from it! With OPAHEPOY moreover, after the prefix
is a testimony for the homogeneity of the respective pas OPA = ardha an entirely hybrid formation would have to
ages; more particularly with reference to their derivation be assumed. But of course the explanation of OPA through
from a common source. arta is also hazardous, because (1) arta sounds in Zand 1 With an echo purposely sought of Greek words. asha (the form arta seems to belong only to the Western
$ If not already in the Indian word, o is to be prefixed Persiana), and (2) because the same falls entirely sway for
Bccording to Priktit rales. ΟΡΔΑΓΝΟ Ορθαγνης :if it be conceived verethraqλα; Rather perhaps already in the Indian word itself: 6. but to seek in it perhaps arta + agni (!) is precluded by
Do. do. do. do. : 0.