________________ TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY The Velocity of Light. N. ERNEST DORSEY. Vol. 34, pt. 1, 110 pp., 20 fig., 1944. $2.25 The Arc Spectrum of Iron (Fe 1). HENRY NORRIS RUSSELL, CHARLOTTE E. MOORE, AND DOROTHY W. WEEKS. Vol. 34, pt. 2, 97 pp., 1944. $2.25 The Early History of the Idea of the Inheritance of Acquired Characters and of Pangenesis. CONWAY ZIRKLE. Vol. 35, pt. 2, 61 pp., 1946. $1.25 The Social Culture of the Nunivak Eskimo. MARGARET LANTIS. Vol. 35, pt. 3, 171 pp., 84 fig., 2 maps, 1946. $2.50 A Census of the Determinable Genera of the Stegocephalia. E. C. CASE. Vol. 35, pt. 4, 96 pp., 186 fig., 1946. $1.25 History of Chinese Society-Liao (907-1125). KARL A. WITTFOGEL AND FANG CHIA-SHENG. Vol. 36, 752 pp., 43 fig., 2 maps, 1949. $7.50 La Culture et la Civilisation Britanniques devant l'opinion Francaise de la Paix d'Utrecht aux Lettres Philosophiques (1713-1734). GABRIEL BONNO. Vol. 38, pt. 1, 184 pp., 1948 $2.50 paper, $3.50 cloth The Freezing of Supercooled Water. N. ERNEST DORSEY. Vol. 38, pt. 3, 82 pp., 33 fig., 1948. $1.75. The Lower Palaeolithic Cultures of Southern and Eastern Asia. HALLAM L. Movius, JR. Vol. 38, pt. 4, 92 pp., 43 fig., 1949. $1.50. American History as Interpreted by German Historians from 1770 to 1815. EUGENE EDGAR DOLL. Vol. 38, pt. 5, 114 pp. $1.75. The Whole Life Cycle of Chromosomes and their Coiling Systems. L. R. CLEVELAND. Vol. 39, pt. 1, 100 pp., 6 figs., 35 pls. $1.50 Artists in the Life of Charleston. Through Colony and State, from Restoration to Reconstruction. ANNA WELLS RUTLEDGE. Vol. 39, pt. 2, 160 pp., 47 figs., 1949. $2.50. With illustrated cover $3.00 The Pottery of Marajo Island, Brazil. HELEN C. PALMATARY, Vol. 39, pt. 3, 210 pp., 112 pls., 1950. $3.00. Geology of the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. HORACE G. RICHARDS. Vol. 40, pt. 1, 83 pp., 76 figs., 1950. $1.50. Life of Julius Caesar Scaliger. VERNON HALL, JR. Vol. 40, pt. 2, 86 pp., 2 figs., 1950. $1.50 A Revision of Fossil Sequoia and Taxodium in Western North America Based on the Recent Discovery of Meta sequoia. RALPH W. CHANEY. Vol. 40, pt. 3, 239 pp., 12 pls., 1951. $1.50. The Nalarayadavadanticariti (Adventures of King Nala and Davadanti). ERNEST BENDER. Vol. 40, pt. 4, 108 pp., 1951. $2.00. The Ancient Khmer Empire. LAWRENCE PALMER BRIGGS. Vol. 41, pt. 1, 295 pp., 80 figs., 17 maps, 1951. $5.00 paper; $6.00 cloth. For volumes of the TRANSACTIONS before 1940, see Classified List. Volumes 34 to 41, $6.00 each to subscribers.