Lord Mahavira
18. कृतप्रणाशाऽकृतकर्म भोग
भव प्रमोक्षस्मृति भंगदोषान् । उपेक्ष्य साक्षात् क्षण भंगमिच्छन्
नहो महासाहसिकः परस्ते ।। In patent disregard of the faults-loss of deeds, enjoyment of deeds not done, of ruin of becoming, liberation and memoryaccepting momentary destruction, Ho! greatly venturésome Thy opponent! 19. सा वासना सा क्षणसन्ततिश्च
___ . नाभेदभेदानुभयैर्घटेते । ततस्तटाऽदर्शिशकुन्तपोत
न्यायातवदुक्तानि परे श्रयन्तु ।। That suffusion and that seriality of moments, do not fit with non-difference, difference, or non-both. Therefore, on the principle of the birding not seeing the
let the opponents take refuge in Thy pronouncements. 20. विनाऽनुमानेन परभिसन्धि- .
___ मसविदानस्य तु नास्तिकस्य । न साम्प्रतं वक्तुमपि क्व चेष्टा
क्व दृष्टमात्रं च हहा प्रमादः ।। But of (for) the Nastika, who without inference is not aware of the intent of others, it is not apposite even to speak: What of a movement, what of a mere look! Alas! error! ____ 21. प्रतिक्षणोत्पाद-विनाशयोगि
स्थिरैकमध्यक्षमपीक्षमाणः । जिन त्वदाज्ञामवमन्यते यः
स वातकी नाथ पिशाचकी वा ।। Whoso, through seeing before his eyes one lasting thing, equipped with momentary origination and destruction, looks, down, OJina! upon Thy precepts, he is madman, O Lord, or demon-possessed.