अनन्तधर्मात्मकमेव तत्व
कुरंगसंत्रासनसिंहनादाः ||
That the real simply is composed of infinite attributes, that existence otherwise than so is not easily justified; such Demonstrations also of Thine are lion-roars for the terrifying of the bad-contention-deer.
मतोऽन्यथा सत्वमसूपपादम् ।
इति प्रमाणान्यपि ते कुवादि
अपर्ययं वस्तु समस्यमान
मद्रव्यमेतच्च विविच्यमानम् । आदेश भेदोदितसप्तभंग
मदीदृशस्त्वं बुधरूपवेद्यम् ॥
Entity, without states, lumped together,
and the same, if divided up, again not substance, with its seven nuances arisen from distinction of
Thou didst bring to light, Knowable by the typically wise.
उपाधिभेदोपहितं विरूद्धं
नार्थेष्वसत्वं सद् वाच्यते च ।
इत्यप्रबुद्धयैव विरोधभीता,
जडास्तदेकान्तहताः पतन्ति ॥
Not contradictory, when conditioned by differences of conditions,
in things is non-existence, and existence and unutterability. Simply from not having awoke to this, afraid of contradiction,
the stupid fall slain by that 'unequivocal' view.
स्थान्नाशि नित्यं सदृशं विरूपं
वाच्यं न वाच्यं सदसतादेव ।
विपश्चितां नाथ निपीततत्व
सुधोद्गतोदगार परम्परेयम् ॥