अन्ययोगव्यवच्छेदिका ___15. चिदर्थशून्या च जडा च बुद्धिः
शब्दादि तन्मात्रजमम्बरादि । न बन्ध मोक्षौ, पुरुषस्य चेति
कियज्जडैन ग्रथितं विरोधि ।। Thought void of object, and reason non-intelligent, sky (Ether) etc., born from the pure principles of sound, etc; and no bondage or liberation of spirit, how much that is conflicting has not been indited by the stupid?
16. न तुल्यकालः फलहेतुभावो
हेतौ विलीने न फलस्य भावः । न संविदद्वैतपथेऽर्थसंविद्
विलून शीर्णं सुगतेन्द्रजालम् ।। Not simultaneous is the existence of fruit and cause; when the cause has lapsed, there is not a being of the fruit. On the path of non-duality of consciousness there is not consciousness of objects— chopped away and fallen to pieces is the phantasmagoria of the Suggata-Lord.
17. बिना प्रमाणं परवन्न शून्यः
स्वपक्षसिद्वेः पदमश्नुवीत । कुप्येत्कृतान्तः स्पृशते प्रमाण
- महो सुदृष्टं त्वदसूयिदृष्टम् ।। Without a demonstrant the 'empty', like any other, would not get a foothold for the establishment of his own alternative. His tenet would be angry with him if he touched a demonstrant. Ho! Well viewed the.view of our contemners!