Parinama in the Samkhya-karika and its Commentaries
by one and thereby bring about various modifications in the form. of various products.35
The commentaries on Kā. 27 ' गुणपरिणामविशेषान्नानात्वं' do not. throw any more light than the passages noted above. They simply seek to show that the diversity of the organs and the external: diversity are not caused by God, Buddhi, Ahamkara, Pradhana or Svabhava but by the specific modifications of the Guņas.36
Thus we see that Mathara distinguishes pariņāma as an automatic change by assuming two types of causation and constrasting parṇāma-kāraṇa with apariņāma-karaṇa. The Yuktidipikā and STK. explain pariņāma in relation to Satkāryavāda. The Yuktidipika alone, however, defines pariņāma.37
35 यथा हि वारिदविमुक्तमुदकमेकरसमपि तत्तद्भूविकारानासाद्य नारिकेलताल-तालीबिल्व..............................कपित्थफलरसतया परिणमन्मधुराम्ललवणतिक्तकषायकटुतया विकल्प्ले एवमेकैकगुणसमुद्भवात्प्रधानगुणाः परिणामभेदान् प्रवर्तयन्ति । तदिदमुक्तम्... 'प्रतिप्रतिगुणाश्रयविशेषात् । एकैकगुणाश्रयेण यो विशेषस्त-मादित्यर्थः ।
36 cf. Mathara and Gaudapāda, on the Ska. 27. 37 Yuktidipika on Ska. 16