The Samkhya-Yoga and the Jaina Theories of Parinama
kriya - viz. Pariņāma-lakşaņā, that produces the various effects. This pariņāma is then defined thus : When the substrate without leaving its essential nature, puts on another aspect, giving up the previous one, it (i.e. this whole process) is called Pariņāma. Just as a leaf without abandoning its essential nature assumes yellowness, on the disappearance of its previous dark green colour, on account of such causes as heat etc, similarly is this to be understood.33
Jayamangala explains pariņāma as the change of state. Just as a big tree manifests itself from a subtle seed through the growth of roots, branches, sub-branches etc., similarly the Avyakta transforms itself into the Vyakta. 34
__The last quarter of the Ka. 16 viz. 'सलिलवत्प्रतिप्रतिगुणाश्रयविशेषात्' which deals with the question as to how one Prakrti can bring about diverse manifestations, is explained by all the commentators in more or less the same manner with variation in the illustrations. We give below Vācaspati's explanation since it is somewhat elaborate.
.. Just as the water falling from the clouds though naturally of itself having one taste, becomes sweet, sour, saline, bitter, pungent etc according as it comes into contact with different modifications of earth and becomes transformed into the juice of fruits such as cocoanut, plam, wood-apples and so forth; in the same manner, the Gunas of the Pradhāna come to be predominant one
33. जहद्धर्मान्तरं पूर्वमुपादत्ते यदाऽपरम् । तत्त्वादप्रच्युतो धर्मी परिणामः स
उच्यते ॥ यदा शक्त्यन्तरानुग्रहात् पूर्वधर्म तिरोभाव्य स्वरूपादप्रच्युतो धर्मी धर्मान्तरेणाविर्भवति तदवस्थानं अस्माकं परिणाम इत्युच्यते । यथा पालाशं पलाशादप्रच्युतं निमित्तान्तरस्यातपादेरनुग्रहाच्छयामतां तिरोभाव्य पीततां व्रजति,
तथेदं द्रष्टव्यम् । 34 पूर्वस्यामवस्थायामवस्थान्तरं परिणामः... । यथा कणिकायाः सूक्ष्माया मूलकः(?)
शाखाप्रशाखादिप्रवृद्धो महान्वनस्पतिर्व्यक्तो भवति एवमव्यक्ताद्वयक्तं परिणमति ।