Seeds of Parinama in the Earliest Literature
of this universe. According to Prof. Ranade, the Passages I, II & III (noted above), speak of the thorough immanence of the first principle. The fourth one not only declares the immanence of God in all things, whatsoever but also tells us that what thus. comes to exist is the Real.24
The different metaphers like the spinning of the web by the spider attempt to bring out the intimate relationship between the first principle and its derivatives. The external world is not something separate existing side by side with the Atman but is permeated through and through by the latter. Referring to the passage I.1.7 of the Mundaka Up., Deussen points out that 'the inner dependence of the universe on 'Brahman' and its essential identity with him was represented as a creation of the universe by and out of Brahman. 25
In short, Brahman is looked upon as the sole substratum of the universe, the principle that runs like a thread through the whole plurality, thereby binding it (i.e. the plurality) into a single unity. This plurality, having its basis in the highest reality Brahman, is real (and not illusory). 26
The above may be regarded as describing the Upanisadic thought with regard to the derivation of the world-phenomena from one principle. There is a divergence of views amongst the ancient and modern writers regarding the reality of derivatives. Some Upanisadic thinkers speculate in a way which opens the
23 'Constructive Survey of Upanisadic Philosophy' p. 262.
'Constructive Survey of Upanisadic Philosophy' p. 212.
The reality of the universe is also shown in the Passage No. VI (above) also in the Br. Up. II 3. 1--6.
Philosophy of the Upanisads, p. 164.
It may be noted that, just as the passages quoted above point to the immanence of the first principle in the universe, even so passages like V. 9. 10 in the Katha, III. 9 and 14 in the Svetasvatara point to its transcendent character in the manner of the Puruşa--Sukta of the Rgveda.