The Samkhya-Yoga and the Jaina- Theories of Parināma
world, whatever there is here. Having created it, he entered into it. Having entered it he became both the This and the That, the Defined and the Undefined, the Supported and Supportless, Knowledge and Not-knowledge, Reality and Unreality - yea, he became the Reality, it is for this reason that all this is, verily, called the Real. Taitt. Up. II.6
Verily this soul is the overlord of all things, the king of all things. As all the spokes are held together in the hub (navel) and felly of a wheel, just so in this all things, all gods, all worlds, all these selves are held together'.
“As a spider might come out with his thread, as small sparks come forth from the fire, even so from this Soul come forth all prāņas, all worlds, all gods, beings. The mystic meaning thereof is, 'the Real is of the real. Prānas verily are the real. He is their Real'. Br. Up. II.1.20.
“From this Soul, verily, space arose, from space, wind; from wind, fire; from fire, water; from water, the earth; from the earth, herbs etc'. Taitt. II.1.
VIII 'As a spider emits and draws in (its thread),
As herbs arise on the earth, As the hairs of the head and body from a living person, So from the Imperishable arises everything here.
Mundaka Up. I.1.7.
......... In the beginning this world was just Being, one only without a second. It bethought itself : "would that I were many! Let me procreate myself”. It created fire...... Fire created water......... Water created food'.
Ch. Up. VI.2. 1-2.
The above passages point out that this universe is a real transformation of the first principle, Brahman, Ātman or Sat and that it (the first principle) is thoroughly immanent in every object