Seeds of Pariņāma in the Earliest Literature
VI कालो भूतिमसृजत काले तपति सूर्यः ।
het fa al maila wie aufê azafat 11811 AV. XIX. 53 VII इम च लोक परम च लोकं पुण्यांश्च लोकाविधतीश्च पुण्याः । सर्वा लोकानभिजित्य ब्रह्मणा कालः स ईयते परमो नु देवः ॥५॥
AV. XIX. 54.5 I Time carries (us) forward, a steed, with seven rays, a thou.
sand eyes, full of fecundity. On him intelligent sages mount; his wheels are all the worlds.
This Time moves on seven wheels; he has seven navės; immortality is his axle. He is at present all these worlds. Time hastens onward, the first god.
A full jar is contained in Time. We behold him existing in many forms. He is all these worlds in the future. They call him Time in the highest heaven.
It is he who drew forth the worlds, and encompassed them. Being the Father, he became their son. There is no other power superior to him. .
Tine generated the sky and these earths. Set in motion by Time, the past and the future subsist.:
Time created the earth; by Time the sun burns; through Time all beings (exist); through Time the eye sees.
Having through divine knowledge conquered both this world and the highest world, and the holy worlds, and the holy ordinances, yea all worlds, Time moves onward as the supreme god.13
The rest of the verses, describe more or less mystically the different things of the universe such as mind, breath, name, waters, winds, regions, sky, Rk verses, Yajus ...etc. which all are under: the dominant influence of Kala. 13 Muir's Original Sanskỉ Texts, Vol. V, p. 408-409