The Sankhya-Yoga and the Jaina Theories of Pariņāma
that one quarter of the puruşa is all this changing world while his three quarters are immortal-i.e. permanent in the highest heaven.
However all these ideas, which are still in a rudimentary stage only and therefore vaguely stated, attain their gradual development in the Upanişads as we shall see below.
The Atharva-Veda is a collection of hymns whose significance varies from the highest metaphysical and mystical ideas to the jugglery of magical charms. The ideas which we are investigating are to be found in X.7, XI.4, XIX.53-54, - where the very same supreme deity or All God and “Tadekam’ found in Rgveda occur under the new names of Skambha, Prāņa and Kāla.
Special notice, however, should be taken of the two hymns. of Kala because it is the concept of Kala or Time that is at the basis of all theories of change.
The following verses from the two hynins may be noted :
कालो अश्वो वहति सप्तरश्मिः सहस्राक्षो अजरो भूरिरेताः । तमा रोहन्ति कवयो विपश्चितस्तस्य चक्रा भुवनानि विश्वा ।।१।।
IF सप्त चक्रान्वहति काल एष सप्तास्य नाभीरमृत न्वक्षः ।
स इमा विश्वा भुवनान्यजत्कालः स ईयते प्रथमो नु देवः ।।२।।
II पूर्णः कुम्भोऽधि काल आहितस्त' वै पश्यामो वहुधा नु सन्तः ।
स इमा विश्वा भुवनानि प्रत्यङ्काल तमाहुः परमे व्योमन् ।।३।।
IV स एव स भुवनान्यारभत्स एव सं भुवनानि पयत् ।
पिता सन्नभवत्पुत्र एषा तस्माद्वे नान्यत्परमस्ति तेजः ॥४॥
v कालोऽमू दिवमजनयत्काल इमाः पृथिवीरुत । ___ काले ह भूत भव्य चेषित ह वि तिष्ठते ।।५।।'