Those were white , like Anka jewel, conch, moon, lotus, teeth, drop of water on lotus, pure water drop, curds, camphor, the milk of a cow, the row of swans, line of herons, series of garments, series of moons, cloud in autumnal season, a silver strap purified by fire and earth, heaps of rice flour, dry pods of beans, moon like figure in the middle of a peacock feather, fibre of lotus, lotus stalk, tusk of an elephant, the flower of clove tree, petal of white lotus, white Ashok, white Kanvira, or white Bandhujiva. . (Q.) Were those white jewels. exactly like the above given similies ? .
(Ans.). No. It is not correct (Oh!. long lived ascetic! After all those are analogical similies, but ) those white jewels were more. agreeable, lovely, charming, and pleasing in colour. Following type of fragrance of those jewels is stated. It was just like vessels made of leaves containing Kottha ( a fragrant substance,) Tagara (fragrant wood), Yela, Choya, Champā, Damana, vermilion, Sandal, Usira, ( fragrant grass), Maruā, Jāi, Jasmine, Mallikā, Snānamallikā, Ketaki, trumpet flower, Nav. malliyā, flower, fragrant Aloe wood, camphor, fragrant camphor, or clove lying in open space