where favourable wind is blowing, while being beaten into fine pieces or pounded, or turned into dust like particles, or diffused, or used, or smelt by the man standing in the nearhood, or being poured from one pot into another, the fragrance is scattered in all directions round about giving delight to the sense organ of smelling and mind, which was of excellent type, pleasing and charming.
(2.) Was that fragrance of the jewels exactly like the above given similies?
(Ans.) No. It is not correct. (Oh! long lived ascetic! After all those are analogical similies, but) those fragrant jewels were more agreeable, lovely, charming, and pleasing in fragrance. The touch of those jewels is stated in the following terms. (It was) like (the sense of feeling created by the contact of) a of garment made black the leather of a antilope, cotton, a Bur (a kind of tender plant ), butter, a bed of tender cloth, a collection of Sirisa flowers, or the heaps of the leaves of
tender lotuses.
(9) Was that touch of the jewels exactly like the above given similies?