fortune, of intelligence, of worldly popularity and of knowledge of scriptures. These men, like eunuchs are always deeply attached to sensual pleasures; and like beggars are for ever unsatisfied.
Being like the diseased man mentioned above, these men consider as of no value whatsoever, the words which have been composed by the great wise men indeed, they consider them as harmful. While in reality, these preachings are, like the sauce mentioned above, in the ultimate analysis truly sweet; are a perfect tonic; and as true and clear as a crystal - because they always lead to the Ultimate Good. But the blind, deluded, men, full of pride, paying no heed to them, really do not care for that which is beneficial in this life and which leads to the Ultimate Good in future lives.
81. The learned man never takes pride in being high born because, in this vast world of births and rebirths, there are very high states of birth (i.e. the very high states such as Devas, Kings, Princes, Scholars, etc), there are what may be called middle states of birth, and there are the low states of birth, In each of these states there are millions of types of birth. (Similarly, for all the states and types that lie in-between these three broad states). (Since in all these states and the various types in a particular state, everyone has been born an infinite number of times, where is the wisdom in taking pride in being currently born in a state which you consider as being of high status?).
82. Because of Karma all the Jīvas take birth in various states, starting with those in which there is only the sense of touch, and then growing to many many high states. There is no state in which his birth is eternal and everlasting. (So how can one take pride in something that is merely transitory?).
83. It can often be seen that those who are high born can be without beauty, strength, knowledge, intelligence, character