Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
1143. teft Nom. dual of the fem. 1153. Thya Pass. 3rd pers. sing. noun Gati ( See No. 1141 ) 8. 26. of the root Gam-gacch (See No. 1128)
1144. Tar Ind. past participal of the root Gam-gacch (See No. 1128 1 154. Tere Dat. sing. of the mas. 14. 15; 15.6.
form of the comp. degree of the adj. 1145. OFTAĦ Acc. sing. of the mas.
Guru (Great ) 11. 37. form of the adj. Gadin (One who is
1155. fra: Nom. sing. of the neu. armed with a club ) 11. 17, 46.
form of the comp. degree of the
adj. Guru (See No. 1154 ) 2. 6. 1146. THETH Nom. sing. of the 1156. Tiara Nom. sing. of the pot. participle of the root Gam
mas, form of the comp. degree of gacch ( See No. 1128) 4. 24.
the adj. Guru (See No. 1154) 11. 43. 1147. Tata Nom. sing. of the 1157. T## Acc. sing. of the mas. verbal noun Gantr with the pres. noun Garbha (An embryo ) 14. 3. 2nd pers. sing. of the root As
1158. 7: Nom. sing. of the mas. (To be), joined to it in order to give it the sense of the future tense (You
noun Garbha (See No. 1157) 3. 38. will go ) 2. 52. For a similar
1159. Tfer Loc. sing. of the fem. expression see Gare infra.
noun Gau ( A cow or any animal of
the bovine species ) 5. 18. 1148. TrumąThe Tal: Nom. plu. of the mas. comp. noun Gan
1160. 1591 Nom. sing. of the fem.
form of the adj. Gahana (Inscrutable) dharvayakşāsurasiddhasangha (A
4. 17. group or assemblage of the Gandharvas, Yaksas, Asuras and Siddhas)
1161. Troth Nom. sing. of the 11. 22.
neu. noun Gandiva (The name of
the bow of Arjuna which he had got 1149. Triath Gen. plu. of the
as a boon from Agni) 1. 30. mas. noun Gandharva (A class of superhuman beings who are said to
1162. Tarro Nom. plu. of the
neu. noun Gatra (A limb) 1. 29. pe the musicians of the gods in ancient Indian mythology ) 10.26.
1163. Tito Nom. sing.of the fem. 1150. : Nom. sing. of the mas.
noun Gāyatri ( The name of one of
the Vedic metres having 24 syllables noun Gandha (Aroma or smell) 7. 9.
divided into 3 lines and of the 1151. Taart Acc. plu. of the mas. Mantra in that metre composed by noun Gandha ( See No. 1150) 15. 8. Viśvāmitra which every devout
1152. TH: Imp. 2nd. pers. sing. Brāhmaṇa repeats daily ), 10. 35. of the root Gam-gacch (Sec No. 1128) 1164. # Acc. sing. of the fem. used idiomatically to indicate strong noun Go (The earth ) 15. 13. disapproval of the act in the expres- 1165. FITTE Gen. plu. of the fem. sion Klaibyan mā sma gamah (Do noun Gir (Speech ) 10. 25. not resort to impotency) 2. 3. See 1166. fra Nom. sing. of the neu. also the other words in the above form of the past participial adj. Gita expression.
(Sung or expounded ) 13. 4. 51
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