Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavadgita Word-Index Pt. I A
tact of the Ksetra and its knower as 1132. FITOTTĘ Gen. plu. of the evplained in No. 1119) 13. 26. mas. comp. noun Gajendra (The
1121. Stay Acc. sing. of the mas. king of elephants i.e. the best varienoun Ksetraiña (The knower of the ty of that class of animals ) 10. 27. Kșetra as explained in No. 1119 )
1133. Tata# Nom. sing. of the 13. supernumerary stanza (See neu. form of the comp. adj. Gatarasa App. I. 31 ), 2.
(That which has been devoid of 1122. SET: Nom. sing. of the
taste or sap ) 17. 10.
1134. 7777777: Nom. sing. of the mas. noun Kşetrajña (See No. 1121
mas. form of the comp. adj. Gataand 1123 ) 13. 1.
vyatha (One who has overcome a 1123. Nom. or acc. sing. of
feeling of pain or anguish) 12. 16. the neu. noun Kşetra (The Kșetra
1135. TAFFT Gen. sing. of the as explained in No. 1119) 13. super
mas. form of the comp. adj. Gatanumerary stanza (See App. I. 31 ),
sanga (One who has given up com1,3,6, 18, 33.
ing in contact with the masses of 1124. 8 Nom. sing. of the mas. men) 4. 23. noun Kşetrin (The owner of the 1136. Tata: Nom. sing. of the Kşetra as explained in No. 1121 ) mas. form of the comp. adj. Gata13. 33.
sandeha (One whose doubts have 1125, Hath Nom. sing. of the been dissolved ) 18. 73. comp. degree of the neu. form 1137. Ta: Nom. sing. of the mas. of the adj. Ksema (Beneficial) 1. 46. form of the past participial adj. Gata
(Gone) 11. 51.
ļ 1138. Tag Acc. sing. of the 1126. EH Nom. sing. of the neu. neu. form of the comp. past partinoun Kha ( The sky) 7.4.
cipial adj. Gatāgata (Lit., 'that which 1127. Loc. sing. of the neu. has gone and arrived' but here, 'that noun Kha ( See No. 1126 ) 7. 8.
which consists of departure and
return') 9. 21. T
1139. Tale Acc. plu. of the mas. 1128. Te Imp. 2nd pers. sing. of form of the comp. adj. Gatāsu (One the root Gam-gacch ( To go ) 18. 62. whose vital breath has passed away) 1129. ola Pres. 3rd pers. sing.
2. 11.
1140. Tal: Nom plu. of the mas. of the root Gamegacch (See No.1128)
form of the past participial adj. Gata 6. 37, 40.
(See No. 1137) 8. 15; 14.1 ; 15. 4. 1130. 97 Nom. sing. of the 1141. Tfah Acc. sing. of the fem. pres. participial adj. Gacchat (Going) noun Gati (Motion ; state ) 6. 37, 45; 5.8.
7. 18; 8. 13, 21 ; 9. 32 ; 13. 28 ; 1131. Tega Pres. 3rd pers. plu. 16. 20, 22, 23. of the root Gam-gacch (See No. 1142. ra: Nom. sing. of the fem. 1128 ) 2. 51; 5. 17; 8. 24; 14. 182; noun Gati (See No. 1141 ) 4. 17; 15. 5.
9. 18; 12. 5.
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