Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Primary Word-Units
1100. fan The ind. adv. Kva Sankara according to the G. P. ediwith the suffix Cit intended to give tion, 1935, Madhusudana, Ramānuja it an emphasis (Anywhere ; at any and all the other comm. in that time whatever ) 18. 12.
edition however read instead 27 1101. 0# Acc. sing. of the neu.
FHIOFEL (App. I. 38). This makes noun Ksana having the sense of the no difference in sense though in the dat. sing. (For a moment ) 3. 5. latter there is one comp. word for
1102. 777 Nom. sing. of the two separate words in the former. neu. como. noun Ksatrakarman (The If that reading is preferred this natural duty of a Ksatriya) 18. 43. entry would be required to be For the occurrence of this word there deleted and Entry No. 1102 to be see the note in Entry No. 1111.
retained. 1103. T FT Gen. sing. of the 1112. era: Nom. sing. of the mas. noun Ksatriva (The name of fem. noun Kśānti (Forgiveness ) the second Varna in the Indo-Aryan 13. 7; 18. 42. social order.) 2. 31.
1113. A Caus. 1st pers. sing. 1104. STO: Nom. plu. of the of the root Kşam (To forgive or mas. noun Ksatriya (See No. 1103)
allow ) 11. 42.
allow ) 11. 2. 32.
1114. fengi Pres. 1st pers. sing. 1105. Ar Nom. sing. of the fem. of the root Kșip ( To throw ) 16. 19. noun Ksamā (Forgiveness ) 10. 4,34; 1115. fth Adv. Ind. (At once or 16.3.
immediately ) 4. 12; 9. 31. 1106. # Nom. sing. of the mas. 1116. sfrutach: Nom. plu. of the noun Ksamin ( One who is possessed mas. form of the comp. adj. Kşiņaof the quality of forgiveness) 12. 13. kalmaşa (One whose sins have been
1107. 82 Acc. sing. of the mas. annihilated or exhausted ) 5. 25. noun Kşaya ( Destruction ) 18. 25. 1117. fo Loc. sing. of the neu.
1108. 87 Dat. sing. of the mas. form of the adj. Kșiņa (Annihilated noun Ksaya ( See No. 1107 ) 16. 9. or exhausted ) 9. 21.
1109. ST# Acc. sing. of the mas. 1118. # Acc. sing. of the neu. form of the adj. Kșara used as a form of the adj. Kșudra (Mean) 2. 3. noun ( The destructible one i. e. the 1119. STEFTOT: Gen. dual of the phenomenal world ) 15. 18.
mas. comp. noun Kșetrakşetrajñau 1110. 977: Nom. sing. of the mas. (Lit. 'the field and the knower of form of the adj. Kșara used as a the field', but here, 'the group of the noun (See No. 1109 ) 15. 162. 5 elements, the ego, intellect, the
Nom. sing. of the mas. form of Unmanifest, the ten senses, the mind the adj. Kșara ( Destructible ) 8.4. and the five objects of perception
1111. # Nom. sing. of the neu. on the one hand and the knower form of the adj. Ksātra (That which thereof on the other ) 13. 2. 34. is appropriate to a Ksatriya ) 18. 43. 1120. 7877 N TIT Abl. sing. of The part of the sentence in which the mas. comp. noun Kșetrakşetrathis word occurs is 71# # FarHTETTA. jñasamyoga (The coming into con
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