Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
Bhagavadgită Word-Index Pt. I A
9. 10.
1075. # Nom. sing. of the 1087. : Nom. sing. of the mas. neu. form of the adj. Kevala ( Alone noun Kratu ( A sacrifice ) 9. 16. or absolute) 4. 21 ; 18. 16.
1088. fanga Pass. Ātma. 3rd pers. 1076. 78: Inst. plu. of the neu. sing. of the root Kr (See No. 12 ) form of the adj. Kevala (See 17. 18, 19; 18. 9, 24. No. 1075) 5. 11.
1989. fra Pass. Ātma. 3rd pers. 1077. #77 Voc. sing. of the mas. plu. of the root Kr (See No. 12) noun Keśava (A name of Vişnu ap. 17. 25. plied here to Krsna who is believed 1090. F Tara Nom. plu. of the to be an incarnation of that deity) continuous pres. participial adj. 1. 31 ; 2. 54; 3. 1 ; 10. 14; 13. super Kriyamāna (That which is being numerary stanza ( See App. I. 31 ). done ) 3. 27 ; 13. 29.
1078. ETTET Gen. sing. of the 1091. 7: Inst. plu. of the mas. noun Keśava ( See No. 1077) fem. nuun Kriyā (Ceremony) 11. 48. 11. 35.
1092. feuiaragia Acc. sing. 1079. Harjai: Gen. dual of the of the fem. form of the comp. adj. mas. comp. noun Keśavārjuna (Krsna Kriyāvisesabahulā ( Characterised by and Arjuna) 18. 76.
specific ceremonies of various sorts ) 1080. Bragga Voc. sing. of the 2. 43. mas. comp. noun Kesinișüdana (The 1093. & Acc. plu. of the mas. slayer of Kesi, a demon; an form of the adj. Krūra ( Cruel or epithet of Krsna ) 18. 1.
wicked) 16. 19. 1081. Loc. plu. of the mas.
1094. TE Acc. sing. of the mas. form of the pronoun Kim (See
noun Krodha (The sentiment of No. 885 ) 10. 172. 1082. Inst. plu. of the mas.
anger ) 16. 18; 18. 53.
1095. #4: Nom. sing. of the mas. form of the pronoun Kim (See No. 885 ) 1.22 ; 14. 21.
noun Krodha ( See No. 1094) 2. 62; 1083. Tay Voc. sing. of the mas. 3.
3. 37; 16. 4, 21. noun Kaunteya (A son of Kunti; 1096. FUT Abl. sing. of the mas. here Ariuna) 2. 14, 37, 60; 3. 9, 39; noun Krodha ( See No. 1094) 2. 63. 5. 22: 6. 35 : 7.8; 8. 6, 16; 9. 7, 1097. gf a Caus. 3rd pers. plu. 10, 23, 27, 31 ; 13. 1, 31; 14. 4, 7; of the root Klid (To become wet ) 16. 20, 22 ; 18. 48, 50, 60.
2. 23. 1084. #raz: Nom. sing. of the 1098. AT: Nom. sing. of the mas. mas. noun Kaunteya ( See No. 1083 ) noun Klesa (Agony or anguish) 1. 27.
12. 5. 1085. AT# Nom. sing. of the 1099. 577 Acc. sing. of the neu. neu, noun Kaumāra (The state of noun Klaibya (Impotence; passiboyhood ) 2. 13.
vity ) 2. 3. The other words in the 1086. FITÆ Nom. sing. of the expression in which this word neu. noun Kausala (Skilfulness or occurs are AT, FA and T: which see dexterity ) 2. 50.
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