Jaina Literature and Philosophy
Parikathā No. 368
1310 (20).
1886-92. Extent.- fol. 214 to fol. 229. Description.- Complete. For other details see Mulakathā No.
1310 (I).
1886-92.. Author.-- Not mentioned. Subject.--- A story depicting the evil effects of sleep & negligence. Begins.- fol. 214 मगधेषु ‘गोर्वर 'ग्रामे पुष्पसालगृहपति । इति प्रसिद्धो
धर्मपाठकस्य पार्थाद् विनयमहिमानं श्रुत्वा etc. Ends.- fol. 22
एकाकीभूरुपरि भ्राम्यन् पद्यमानः पदे पदे।
विपद्यानंतकायेषु । जज्ञे तस्मात् प्रमादतः ॥ २४ ॥ इति निद्राप्रमादौ परिच(क)था ॥
Parisistaparvan [स्थविरावलीचरित ]
[ Sthavirāvalicarita ]
1283. No. 369
1886-92. Size- 10! in. by 4g in. Extent.- 53 folios ; 19 lines to a page ; 60 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin and grey; Jaina Devanagari
characters with पृष्ठमात्राs; small, legible and good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines in black ink ; red chalk and yellow pigment used; edges of almost every fol. more or less worn out; condition tolerably good; in the left-hand margin of fol. 1 पोथी १४ प्रति १० is written; numbers for foll. entered twice in the right-hand margin%3;
complete ; 13 cantos in all. Age.- Samvat 1669.
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