गणधर सार्धशत 'वृत्तिसहित
No. 570 = 120 (d)
Gaṇadharasardhasataka with vṛtti
Size - 10g in. by 4g in.
Extent.- 128-4-6 = 118 folios; 21 lines to a page 74 letters to a line.
Jain Education International
Description. - Country paper thin, rough and greyish; Jaina Devanagari characters with occasional gas; small, legible and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black 10 ink; red chalk used; yellow pigment, too; foll. numbered in both the margins; edges and corners of some of the foll. gone; condition on the whole very fair; foll. 5, 48 and 84 torn in more than one place; foll. 1 to 4 missing; so are foll. 6, 47, 107 and rog to 111; this Ms. contains both the text and its commentary; the latter composed in V. S. 1295.
Age.-- Pretty old.
Author of the commentary.- Sumati Gani, pupil of Jinapati Sūri of the Kharatara' gaccha.
Subject. The text together with its explanation in Sanskrit. Begins.- ( com. ) fol. 5
मुखणं किं वि (?) देखिनजां ॥ १० ॥ एवम हिक्खिविणं नूणं रुन्यायलेण सयलेण ।
जस्स सया सा अद्धं सद्धम्मपरं स्यालंद्धां ॥ ११ ॥
1 This is named as vivrti, too by the commentator.
पुनः प्रकारान्तरेण 'भरत' क्षेत्रस्य द्वैविध्यमाह । रे इत्यधिक्षेप गर्भसंबो धनं भरत को ( s) र्थः । " नटभरता इत्यपि नटा " इत्यमरकोशवचनात् । वित्तत्क्षिप्त (?) दितमायाशीलत्वेन शैलूषाणामनेषां वैराग्योत्पादनेनापिति सर्य (?) वैराग्यमार्गाभावा निस्त्रप निर्लज्जा परेषां वैराग्यपदवीप्रदानै मात्मना कार्यप्रतिषेवणात् तथा च पठ्यते ।
पढइ नडोवरग्गं निश्विजिज्झाव कुनुजणौ ।
जे गायमि कुर्नुत तह सढोज्जलेण जलं समोयरद्द "
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