Jaina Literature and Philosophy
[ 550.
रोहिण्यशोकचन्द्रकथा No. 550
Rohiņyasokacandraka thā
319. A.1882-83.
Size.- 108 in. by 4g in. Extent.— 7 folios ; 13 lines to a page ; 40 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, tough and white ; Jaina Deva
nāgari characters ; big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink; all the foll. except the ist numbered in both the
margins ; the Ist in the right-hand margin only; in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well, there is some space kept blank so as to form a design ; in the lefthand margins the title is variously written e. g. रोहिणीकथा, रोहिणिकथा, रोहिणिकथा.and रोहिणिनीक ; fol. 7° blank ; edges of some of the loll. slightly gone ; condition on the whole
good ; complete ; composed in Samvat 1657. Age.- Samvat 1693. Author:- Kanakakusala, pupil of Somakusala. Vacaka Santicandra
is his vidya-guru. For his additional works etc. see Sec. I
of Vol. XIX ( pt. I, No. 35 and pt. 2, p. 309). Subject.- A story of Rohini and that of king Asokacandra, her .... husband illustrating the penance named as 'Rohini'. Begins.- fol. 1 ॥ ५ ६० ॥
श्रीमान् पार्श्वजिनस्सर्वाभीष्टसिद्धिविधायकः । भन्यानां भूतये भूयात् तमालश्यामलद्युतिः ॥१॥ कवीनां जननी नित्यं । पुस्तकन्यस्तहस्तका। मरालवाहना देवी । शारदा वरदा(5)स्तु मे ॥२॥ नत्वा विद्यागुरुं प्राणिप्रतिबोधैकहेतवे ।
तपसि श्लाघिते सद्भिः। प्रोच्यते रोहिणीकथा ॥३॥ etc... Ends.- fol. 7.
रोहिण्यशोकयोवृत्तं । निशम्येति गुरूदितं । सततं क्रियतां भव्याः ! ॥ प्रयत्नो 'रोहिणी'तपे ॥ २० ॥
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