Juina Literature and Philosophy (512. Description. - Country paper rough and white; Devanāgari chara
cters; bold, big, legible and elegant hand-writing; borders ruled in four lines in black ink; edges of several foll. badly
; condition unsatisfactory; foll. numbered as usual; fol. 1* blank; yellow pigment used ; complete. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.- fol. 16 sftatisaarepe #A:
प्रणम्य शंकरं देवं सर्वशं जितमन्मथं
state adatas Atalagiaatha { etc. यशोधरनरेंद्रस्य जनन्या सहितस्य हि
vai ari (9) ATA TIITÀ 2 etc. Ends. — fol. 27
ao affattet etc. up to maintat atalga: am: as in
No. 511. Then we bave : #91797 fai gitara Reference. This Ms. is noted in the introduction ( p. 25 ) to the
Karanja Jain Series ( Vol. I ). N. B.- For additional information see No. 511,
394. No. 513
1880-81. Size. — 102 in. by 43 in. Extent.-- 34 folios ; 16 lines to a page; 46 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thick and white; Devanagari chara.
cters; small, legible and good hand-writing; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink; red chalk and yellow pigment used; foll. numbered as usual ; foll. i' and 345 blank ; edges of the first fol. slightly worn out; condi. tion on the whole good; complete ; composed in Samvat
1839 at Jesalmer. Age. Not quite modern,
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