The svetāmbara Narratives
36. No. 428
1877-78. Size.- 9 in. by 4 in. Extent.- 18 folios; 20 lines to a page ; 48 letters to a line. Description- Country paper thin, rough, tough and white ; Jaina
Devanagari characters; small, quite legible, fairly uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in three lines in red ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margins%3; fol. ! blank ; so is the fol. 18°; yellow pigment used 10 for making corrections ; red chalk used; condition very good; complete; composed in Samvat 1696 ; the entire work is divided into four khandas ; the extent of each of them is as under :Khanda I foll. 10 to 6* 15
II , 6 , 90 , III
, ' , 13
IV , 13 , 184. Age.--- Pretty old. Author.- Jñānamurti, pupil of Guņamūrti of the Añcala gaccha. 20
_His additional work is रूपसेनराजर्षिचरित्रचोपइ. Subject.— Narration pertaining to Priyankara, a king in Gujarāti
in verse. Begins.- fol. 1° ॥ ५० ॥ ऐं नमः ॥
दूहा ॥ प्रणमुं श्रीआदीसरु । जस कीरति वीक्षात । नंदन नाभि नरिंदनो । मरुदेविज सुजात ॥१॥ सुरसिशीसम कुंडला मुरति मोहनवेलि । हंसासणि वेणारता प्रणमुं साहुं गेलि २
कीरतिकांतिकलानिलु कल्याणसागरसूरिंद 'अंचल' गच्छ सोहि सदा तारागणि जिम चंद ३
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