The svetāmbara Works
उदकानलचौरेभ्यो मूख(ष)केभ्यस्तथैव च ।
रक्षणीया प्रयत्नेन एवं वदति पुस्तिका ॥ १ श्रीसंभवनाथप्रसत्तेः N. B.-- For additional information see No. 419.
Priyankaranrpakathā s No. 421
1880-81. Size.- Iot in. by 41 in. Extent.- 28 folios ; I3 lines to a page ; 44 letters to a line. Description.- Country paper thin, rough and greyish ; Jaina Deva- 10
nāgari characters with TEA[ATS ; big, perfectly legible, uniform and beautiful hand-writing; borders ruled in two pairs of lines in black ink ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; fol. 1a blank; there is some space kept blank in the centre of the numbered and unnumbered sides as well
it IS forms a design ; edges of some of the foll gone ; the righthand corner. of fol. 286 worn out; condition on the whole
good ; complere. Age.- Pretty old. Begins.- fol. 10 ऐ नमः
वंशाब्जश्रीकरो हंसो etc. as in No. 419. Ends.- fol. 280
उपसर्गहरस्तोत्रं etc. up to संपदः स्युः पदे पदे ॥ ४४ as in No. 419. This is followed by the lines as under :
। इति श्रीप्रियंकरमहाराजा श्रीजिनशासनप्रभावको महाश्रावकोऽभूत् 25 इत्थं श्रीप्रियंकरस्य कथां । महाश्चर्यकारिणी धर्ममयीं निशम्य यत । इत्थं etc. up to सुखभाओ भवंति ते as in No. 419. Then we have : ४७ इति श्रीप्रियंकरनृपकथा श्रीउपसर्गहरस्तोत्रप्रभावे ॥
'ग्रंथाग्रं ॥ N. B.-- For additional information see No. 419.
1 This is not mentioned in the Ms.
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