Jaina Literature and Philosophy
dharma prasāraka sabhā. Later on the Gujarati translation by Ratilal Dipchand Desai is printed on pp. 150–228 by Sarabhai Nawab in महाप्राभाविक नवस्मरण published in A. D. 1938. On p. 6 ( preface ) he has said that the former publication by Jaina dharma prasāraka sabhā was erroneous. So this new translation was got prepared.
For additional Mss. see Jinaratnakośa ( Vol. I, p. 280 ).
Priyankaranrpakathā No. 420
1869-90. Size.- 9 in. by 4g in. Extent.- 25 folios ; IS lines to a page ; 42 letters to a line, Description.- Country paper thick, tough and white; Jaina Deva
nāgari characters; sufficiently big, quite legible, uniform and very good hand-writing ; borders ruled in two lines and edges in one in red ink ; red chalk used ; foll. numbered in the right-hand margin ; fol. I blank ; so is fol. 250; condition very good except that a corner of the first fol. is
gone; complete ; extent 1000 slokas. Age.- Samvat 1823. Begins.- fol. 1° ५ ६॥ ॥ श्रीजिनाय नमः ॥
वंशाब्जश्रीकरो हंसो etc. as in No. 419, Ends.- fol. 240
उपसर्गहरस्तोत्र etc. up to सुखिनस्ते भवंति वै ३ practically as in No. 4 9. This is followed by the lines as under :
इति श्रीप्रियंकरनृपकथा श्रीउपसर्गहरस्तोत्रप्रभावे समाप्ता ग्रंथमानं १००० संवत् १८२३ वर्षे । मार्गशीर्षमासे शुक्लपक्षे दशमी. तिथौ गुरौ वारे रेवतीनक्षत्रे वरीयान्योगे श्री'सूरतिबंदरे' वृद्धापणे नव्योपाश्रये श्री विधि'पक्षगच्छाधीश्वरपूज्यभट्टारकश्रीउदयसागरसूरीश्वराणां विजयिनि राज्ये शिष्य पं। श्रीदर्शनसागरगणिना लिपीचके प्रियंकरनृपकथा ॥ श्रेयाश्रेणयः ॥
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