styled as Mulasatras, and that is probably the reason why he has referred to Onanijjutti and Pakkhiyasutta under the heading “Anderzum weit Siddhanta gerechnete Texte”. Prof. M. Winternitz, too, has followed the same order for the 3 Mulusütras, but he differs from Prof. Weber, when, in his Geschichte der Indischen Litteratur (vol. II, p. 292 ) he mentions four Malasutras instead of three, Fındanijjuttı being the fourth.' Dr. A. Guérinot agrees with Prof. Winternitz, both regarding the order and the number of the Miilasutras. This will be evident from La Religion Djaïna (p. 79) where he has mentioned four Malasutras as under :
L' Outtaraddj hayana (Outtaradhyayana ), L' Avaçyaka-soutra, Le Daça-vaikalik., and Pinda-nıryoukti.
In Prof. Arthur Berriedale Keith's Catalogue of the Sanskrit and Prakrit Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office ( vol. II, pt. II, pp. 1262-1272 ), the Mss. of Ultarajjhayaņasutta are given the first place, those of Sadavassayasutta (Avassayasutta) the second, and those of Dasaveyaliyasutla, the third. This is in accordance with Dr. Georg Bühler's list of canonical treatisies given in this Prof. Keith's Catalogue on pp. 1274-1275 and designated as “Sarvasútrādhyayanoddeśanirņaya”. Prof. Walther Schubring in his Die Lehre der Jainas nach der alter Quellen dargestellt (p. 57 ) has noted Uttarajjhaya, Avassayanijjutti, Dasaveyaliya, Pindanijjutlı and Ohanijjntti as Malasūtras. Thus it will be seen that the line of procedure adopted by me differs from that followed by one and all of those occidental scholars, in two respects viz. (i) the number? of works to be included under Malasatra and (ii) their sequence. 3
I may add that it is possible to reduce the traditional number four for the Malasatras to three by bracketing Pindanijjuttt with Dasaveyaliyasutta and Ohanijjutii with Avassayasutta on the ground
1 Jarl Charpentier in his introduction (p. :o) to Uttarädhyayanasūtra has done the same. He has there given a list of the scriptures as adopted by Prof. Weber and has looked upon it as the most authoritative of all.
2 My number is six and not three, four or five. 3 I have arranged the six works as under :
(1) Uttarajjbayarasulla, ( 2 ) Dasaveyaliyasutta, (3) Āvassayasutta, (4) Pindanijjulli, (5) Obanijiulti and (6) Pakkhiyasutta.
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