(26) Apurva sparddhaka - अपूर्व स्पर्द्धक -
position of the left leg, which is placed Unprecendented super variform..!
under the right thigh. Apurva sparddhaka - अपूर्व स्पर्द्धक -
Arddhapudgalaparivartana अर्द्धपुद्Apūrva sparddhakas are those mol
गल परिवर्तन - Half the time of whirling ecules, the fruition of which has been
round matter, Semi matter, Change enfeebled by the thoughtactivity in this
period. stage.
Arddhavartulakara-अर्द्धवतर्तुलाकारApūrva yoga - 3yyam - Incomplete
Semi circular. vibratory.
Arddha viksipta - अर्द्धविक्षिप्त - Be
wildered. Apurvakaranaksapaka - अपूर्वकरण 4740 - The self experiences, The stage
Arddha vrttakara - अर्द्धवृत्ताकार - of destroying new thought activity.
Semicircular, Apsidal. Apurvavada - अपूर्ववाद - Doctrine of
Argalā - 37 - Latch. merit and demerit.
Arhadbhakti - ECHPORT - A devotion Apūrvartha - 39 atef - Previously
to omniscient lords.
- He is Arban (i.e. uncognised object, An object unknown before.
worshipfulone) whose glory consists of
lustre, conation, knowledge, supernatuArati - 37f - Disliking, Dissatisfac
ral accomplishment, happiness, afflution, Hatred, Ennui, Non-indulgence
ence and the leading lordship of the Displeasure in regard to sense activi
three worlds. ties.
Arhanta - 316T - The lord who has Arati - 37 - Absence of pleasures.
attained omniscience and is still associArddhacandra - hana - Crescent
ated with the corporeal body. He remoon.
mains in the world till the end of his Arddhatis tha - 37 B - Half seated. lifetime., Worthy of worship. : Arddha cakravartin - अर्द्ध चक्रवर्तिन् Arhadbhakti-अर्हद्भक्ति - The worship Semi cakravartin, A vasudeva. of omniscient lords. S-6/24 3Tasa ashanit ata ta - An Ardha Arihantas - 3ften - These are all the Cakravartin may be either a Nārāyana souls who have reached kevala Jn ana orhis opponent Pratinārāyaṇa. In each or omniscience and possess the twelve cycle of time there are nine Nārāyaṇas unique qualities in this bodily life and and nine Pratinārāyaṇas.
as a result of which who have preached Arddhaccheda - 3426040096 - Successive
and are preaching the way to liberation
to all beings. divisions. Arddhanārāc-34RIE - Weakjoint.
3726 721 frasa asit fasterardi (The
adorable Arhantas, liberated souls, Basi Tam - Ardba-Padmāsana -
Siddhas have no sense activities, nor do The semi padma posture - which differs
they)cognise objects by (the processof) from the Padmāsana in respect of the perception (370UE) etc. nor have they