(25) Apratibh āsatva - zufarhra - Non- Apratyākhyānāvaraņa. cognisability.
39YRIGHT-OUT - Preventing partial Apratighāta - Hureng - Moving self-control, that which arrests even through solids as if they were empty partial abstinence of ascetic, Passions spaces.
hindering partial restraint or conduct. Apratikramana - अप्रतिक्रमण - Non- Aprapyakarita - अप्राप्यकारिता - The repentence.
doctrine that a sense organ is not bodily Apratipatti - 3tyfarefa - Non-availa- contact with its object. bility.
Aprthak vikriyā - 37996 falsell - Apratipāta - 3yfaya - Unfallibility, Inseparable transformation. Non termination.
Apratyakhyana . अप्रत्याख्यान - Partial Apratipātin-3yfayıfara - Infalliable. vow preventing. Apratisarana - syfarpur - Non pur- Apravicāra - gyeter - Without suit of the good.
sexual desire. Apratiş thita - 3tufaisa - Individual Aprādešika - 344ICT8124 - Dimensionwithout host bodies.
less. Apratişthita pratyeka vanaspti Aprāvrta - 37919a - Nude. kiya- अप्रतिष्ठित प्रत्येक वनस्पति काय - Aprayojaka - अप्रायोजक - InadmisSingle bodied individual vegetable. sible. Aprathaka siddha - अपृथक सिद्ध - Apasiddhānta - 37464 96 97 - Tenet Inseparable.
deviating. Aprathakasiddha sambandha अपुनर्बन्धक - The apunarbandhaka is अपृथक सिद्ध सम्बन्ध - Inseparability. described as possessed of those meritoApratipatti - 34yfayfa - Default of rious qualities which stand in opposiunderstanding.
tion to the defects of a welcomer of the Apratisthita - अप्रतिष्ठित - Non host worldly existence, besides, he is de
scribed as one whose meritorious qualiindividual soul.
ties are in most cases ever increasing. Aprati ta edita - Unproved.
Yoga - 178. Apratyakhyana - अप्रत्याख्यान - Non- Apunarbhava - अपुनर्भव - Freed from · renunciation
rebirth. Apratyakhyāna kas āya-
3 G Apunarāgama - 3796RMTH - The state 4,474 - Intenser type of passion which from which there is no return to the hinders partial abstinence (small vows) world liberation. Apratyakhyana kriya (अप्रत्याख्यान Apurvakarana - अपूर्वकरण - New Fotell) is not renouncing what should be thought activity, Unprecendented oprenounced, owing to the operation of eration. karmas hindering restraint and disci- Apurvakarana -3740 - Stage of pline.
new thought activity. 'S-9/1