(27) the sense pleasures. They enjoy infinite Neminātha should marry Rajamati. knowledge and happiness without the
So while he was proceeding in proceshelp of) the senses.
sion to the house of his father-in-law, he BORE À fan 37467 - Arhanta is
heard the groaning of some animals and also pure (T5), as he is void of eighten saw some of them tied to pillars. When kinds of faults, viz., bunger, thirst, fear, he questioned others, he was told that aversion, attachment, illusion, anxiety, the animals were intended to be killed oldage, sickness, death, fatigue, per- for food to some of the guests attending spiration, pride, displeasure, astonish- the marriage. His heart melted with pity ment, birth, sleep and sorrow.
and he drove back his chariot. He re
Dr. page 114 nounced the world and took to ascetiArhanta - 3716 T1 - The term Arhanta cism inspite of the entreaties of Shri denotes a perfected being who is still Krsna and other relatives. When in the world, i.e. who has still his bodily. Rajamati came to know of the turn of state. It corresponds to the term events, she too abandoned her royal life “Sayogakeval i”, the person who at
and became a nun. He preached the
religion of compassion, self control and tained kevalaj ñana or perfect knowl
renunciation in the kingdom of edge and who still has yoga or Mana, Magadha, Pallavaetc., before he retired Vacana, Kriya.
to Girnār where he attained Nirvāna 3776m ezt a 34.9T - That pure after severe penance. soul existing in an auspicious body, References have already been made to possessed of (infinite) faith, happiness, the mention of the name of Ariş tanemi knowledge and power which has de- in the vedas and to the opinion of Dr. stroyed the four Ghatiyā karmas is to
Radhakrishnan who does not doubt the be meditated on as an Arbanta.
Dr. 50
historicity of this Tirthamkara. Dr.
Prā nanátha, whose reading of a copAristanemiorNeminatha-अरिष्टनेमि
per-plate grant by the babylonian king af 779 - Ariş tanemi has been men- Nebuchadnazar 1 of 1140 B.C. has been tioned in Rgveda referred. He was born published, has stated that the king had at Mathura on the second day of the come to mount Revata to pay his hombright half of the month of Srāvana, age to lord Neminātha. Dr. Fuherer has His father was Samudravijaya while
declared on the basis of his studies on
the archaeological discoveries at his mother was Šivādevī. Vasudeva,
Mathura that Nemin a tha was a historithe father of Shri Krsna was the younger brother of Samudravijaya.
cal personage. Dr. Kamtā Prasadmen
tions that some inscripitions of IndoThey belonged to the yādava Ksatriya
Scythian period make express referclan. According to Jaina Purana, king
ence to this Tirthamkara. It is stated in Ugrasena had a daughter by name
the ādiparva of the Mahābhārata that Rājamati. It had been settled that
the epic war took place at the advent of