(20) Anupalambha - 346146747 - Non-ob- (1) B r uant i.e, everything is subservation, Voidness of the world ject to change or is transitory. Anupama - 3144 - Incomparable (ii) 379MUTLU - i.e.unprotecti-veness Anupameya - 375444 - Incomparable
or belplessness. The feeling that soul is Anupariharika - अनुपरिहारिक - Sub
unprotected from fruition of karmas,
for example, death etc. attendant
(iii) Feria - Mundaneness. Soul Anu pāpa - 3478479 - Subte sins
moves in the cycle of existences and Anupata - अनुपात - Proportionate cannot attain true happiness till it is cut Anupraveśa-3 quasi - Interpenetra- of. tion
(iv) gehora Braha - i.e.loneliness. I am Anupranita - अनुप्राणित - Imbued alone the doer of my actions and the Anuprekşā . 319487 - Reflection,
enjoyer of the fruits of them. Contemplation
(v).STRPRaat - i.e. Separateness. Anupreksā - 3471487 - Meditating on
The world, my relation and friends, my
body and mind, they are all distinct and the nature of the body and so on is
separate from my real self. contemplation (349997) S-9/2
(vi) alfa rada - i.e., Impurity. The Anupreksā . 379489 - Reflection -
body is impure and dirty. Contemplating the knowledge acquired
(vii) raatat - i.e., inslow. The is reflection. S -91/25
inflow of karmas is the cause of my Anityatā - 3freea - Transitoriness.
mundane existence and it is the product Asaran atā - JYRYTAI - Helplessness. of passions.. Samsara - Hr - Transmigration. (viil) BioRideT - i.e. stoppage. The Ekatva - 869 - Loneliness.
inflow of karma must be stopped. Anyatva - RIKA - Distinctness.
F T S - i.e. shedding. Karmic
matter must be shed from or shaken out Asucitura - Impurity.
of the soul. A srava - 34662 - Influx.
(x) Michat - i.e. Universe. The Samvara - Q - Stoppage.
nature of the universe and its constituNirjara - Forster - Dissociation. ent elements in all their vast variety Loka - M14 - Universe.
proving the insignificance and miserBodhi durlabha alifu gru - Rarity
able nothingness of man in time and of enlightenment.
space. Dharmasvākhyā tatattvānuprekşā
(x1) anfercatonghat - i.e. Rarity of religious knowledge. It is difficult to
attain right belief, knowledge and conproclaimed by religion.
duct. * * द्वादशानुप्रेक्षा - The twelve reflections (xii) e Hua - i.e. Reflection ön the are -
nature of religious path as preached by the conquerors, namely the true nature of the three fold path of liberation.