Anurakti - 3 ERP - predilection. Anuratha - +37147 - Curvature. Anurū pa - 314546979 - Congruous, Identical. Anusren i . 31 stunt - The ladder paths of disembodied jivas. Anusreni gati - अनुश्रेणी गति - Linear motion. Anusamcita Addha - अनुसंचित अद्धा - Accumulated period. Anuşthāna - 314181 - Ethico - religious performance. Anusamaya apavartana - 3774424 379984 - Subsequent instant reduction, Subsequent instant climination. Anutkrşta - 375rb - Non minimal. Anutkrsta anubhāga bandha · 3gp 374m apaat - Non minimal bond. Anutkrstaprakrtibandha-अनुत्कृष्ट प्रकृति बन्य-Non minimalconfiguration bond. Anutkrsta pradeśabandha - 315rghe प्रदेश बन्ध - Non minimal point particle bond. Anutkrsta sthiti bandha - अनुत्कृष्ट freifa opet - Non minimal life time bond. Anutkriyamana - अनुक्रियमाण - Non casting. Anutpatti dharma - 37764fe Stof - Those that will never appear. Anutpatti sama - अनुत्पत्ति समा - Balancing the non produced. Anutseka - 37064 - Modesty. . Anuttara - 375TR - The best. Anuttara gati - 3TJERUIT - Salvation.
Anuttara Jñana - 3467511 - Omniscience. Apu - 374 - Particle. Anuparama - 370 44 - Particle ultimate. Anuvargaņā -374 qofon - Atoms molecule, Particle veriform. Anuvi cibhā saņa - 347alfament - Speaking harmless words. Anuvrddhi - 317@rosa - Subsequent increase. Aņuvrata - 3tuga - Small vow, Lesser vows. Anuvrtti - 3779fa- Conformity, Co
ordinate. - Anuvrttipratyaya-अनुवृत्तिप्रत्यय -No
tion of sameness or similarity. Anusasana - 3779647 - Instruction. Anuşthāna - 31781 - Practice. Anuyoga - 3 pet - Exposition, study. Anuyoga - 314T - Departments of scripture. Jainas recognise four main departments of their scripture - (i) Prathamānuyoga - Dealing with the life of Tirthaṁkaras and other great personalities. (ii) Karan ānuyoga (aurauit) - Dealing with the structure and of constitution of Loka, the cosmos. (iii) Caran ānuyoga (acum ) - Dealing with principles of conduct prescribed forthchouseholder as well as Sanyasi .(iv) DravyānuyogaGourmet - Dealing with the metaphysical aspects of reality. Anuyojya - 375141cyl - Censurable. Anvaya - 34-04 - Method of agreement, Con-comitance in agreement, Logical connection with cause effect.